Hi Chelsea's Mom,
I too have been thinking of Chris and his family today. I hope it went well.
My daughter had the swallowing problems they told you about. The first 3 days after surgury she survived on IV solutions, then they put the feeding tube up her nose. The first time they tried the nurse thought it went down, but it was curled up in her mouth. Lots of choaking and gaging in the process. They gave her a dose of something before the next try. I can't remember what it was but it relaxed her and made her not really remember them doing it. Much easier. When they change the bags they squirt air in the tube and listen to the stomach with a stethoscope to make sure it's in the right place. If not they have to pull it out and start over. I think she had it about 10 days before she could manage pureed food. I think they had to put it in 2 or 3 times. They gave her what they call a swallow study. It's basicaly a live action video X-ray of her swallowing food. Hers showed that food and liquid was trying to go down the wrong way, but it allways made her choke. Much better than if she couldn't feel it go down the wrong way and didn't choke. When she started pureed food it was good for the first 3 or 4 days, then we started to see food and liquid come out her nose. We also had to put thickener in all liquids, even water. Actually, she could handle thicker purees better than thinner. She could feel it better and direct it down the right way easier. She gradually got more control and started eating regular food at about 4 weeks after surgury. Now at 4 1/2 months post op she can eat and drink anything she wants, but still does better with a straw in liquids. Her right vocal cord still doesn't move, but the left one moves over some to compensate.