Hi All,
I found this site just before I went in for my surgery and thank all those who post. Post op, I have found I share some of the symptoms and thank you for letting me know I'm not alone and what to expect.
I had a very successful operation on February 7th and, am told, was out of the hospital in 9 days. I say I was told I was out after nine days because I can't seem to remember quite a few things. I'm not sure if my memory problems are from the AN or the anesthesia? I had a bad infection in the surgery site, ended up back in the hospital until 4/23 and had shunts put in and out 3 times. That makes 8 times under anesthesia in 2 months. I can remember my name and address but have trouble with my telephone number and childhood memories. I also feel like I think a lot slower. I've worked for the same company for 30+ years and am used to being able to do 5 things at once, think on my feet, and solve all problems...suddenly, I'm happy to be in my feet...LOL!
I am working hard on all the other side effectsand these things have helped:
balance: I walk at least a mile a day, go to PT, and do my exercises religiously: dry eye: use Refresh PM constantly and wear a patch when I'm outside and its windy; left facial paralysis: do my exercises, repeat my special words (different ones to work different parts of the tongue) and never forget a straw; attitude: laugh or make someone laugh as oten as I can