Dear all,
7 weeks post surgery, I am still experiencing the following ---
Disequilibrium --- I never experienced vertigo, and have been walking bit by bit since a couple of weeks back. However, I do feel imbalance and do feel a bit imbalance when on uneven surface or steps or when I look quickly from one thing to another. Thanks to some of forumers tips, I plan to do some VT exercise at home and hope it will improve.
Poor coordination -- As mentioned in another post, I think my left leg and arms are weaker. So I think this has somewhat affected my walking, too. I stagger when starting to walk but gradually it will improve. Today, after window-shopping and walking for more than 2 hours, I feel that my walk is very unnatural and clumsy. Has anyone have the same experience? Any tips? Did I push too much?
Lots of you have mentioned about walking and walking...Am just not sure if I'm doing enough or too little. (BTW, from where I currently am, we don't have big wide open spaces for nice strolls. We only have sidewalks and department stores. So that is the walking exercise, I do).
Any comments/insights will be appreciated.