Hi, Jane - and welcome. As I usually state to new members: I'm sorry you have a reason to be here (AN diagnosis) but glad you found us.
Although I'm not a doctor I do know that vision problems can occur with an acoustic neuroma - but yours could also be due to other causes, especially in light of the seizure you mentioned I would suggest you consult an Ophthalmologist for a complete eye examination to help determine whether your inability to focus is AN-related or caused by something else. This could be crucial information.
There are many 'local' doctors that operate on acoustic neuroma patients and have fine outcomes. I found one of those in a nearby small city and he was excellent, with decades of experience surgically removing ANs. Although my hearing was already 'lost' due to my procrastination in addressing my AN, I suffered no other lasting problems, post-op. Later radiation treatments (
pre-planned) were uneventful, but successful in 'killing' the remaining tumor. However, like you, I first considered going to the House Ear Institute in Los Angeles based on their excellent reputation and success record. Had I not found the neurosurgeon that I chose, I probably would have incurred the expense of traveling to HEI in California, so, in my opinion, HEI' remains a good 'Plan B' option.
I hope you'll consider us your friends and draw on the collective expertise of our many members who have practical experience dealing with an acoustic neuroma and are very supportive and eager to help. Just ask. You have my best wishes as you venture forth on your 'AN journey'. May it be smooth and, ultimately, successful.