I had big surgery on Dec. 10 2007. the doctors had to leave 5% behind, after 14 days i got Bells Palsy it lasted about to weeks after after 3 years it started regrowth, I then on Jan. 5 this of this year 2011 I had gamma knife. went back for an MRI 3 moths later, the Dr. said the middle of the tumor had changed some and maybe it was dying, good news . however around the edge of the tumor was larger maybe swollen form radiation or maybe regrowth in spite of radiation. two weeks a go I started having very bad headaches, neck pain and now my I have Bells palsy. what in the world is going on. The answer is yes you can have neck pain, i am living proof. I hope this is Bells palsy and not life long nerve damage feel free to email me here.
(Hi LeAnn and welcome. Had to remove your personal contact info... thanks for understanding. Folks can PM/email you here on the site. Please feel free to share your contact info in PM/emails. Again, welcome! Phyl)