Good job on looking at your situation in a positive way! I also have tried to take this approach, and yes, some days are worse than others, but the people on this group have been such an amazing supprt for me.
My first suggestion is to try and find a support group near you, this helps to visualize others who have gone through it too and you can see what great lives they are living. Second, research and post away! I have posted about lots of things and always get wonderful answers from my ANA friends!
Think positive, it sounds that if you do have an AN it is small and you might be eligable for CyberKnife or Gamma Knife. These treatments protect your hearing as well as some of the other nerves, balance and faical. But remember, damage that is done is already done and you may have to live with some of these things. I had Gamma Knife in 2010 for a 2.2cm AN. There is a 2% chance of regrowth after the GK and well, I was one of the lukcy 2%
Just found out that my AN has begun growing again, and I go for Microsurgical removal TransLab approach next Friday the 29th. Im only 26 years old and the effects that this will have on me are very scary. I have choosen to try and save my facial nerve, and sacrifice my hearing, music is also a big part of my life, and I know this will be an adjustment but it will be okay.
AS for the other members of your family possibly having an AN, well my doctor told me along time ago that if the AN is genetic it is usually on both sides of the brain, so the likelyhood of this being the problem of your family members might be slim, but you may want to encourage them to get tested.
I learned through all of this to not let things go, our bodies tell us something is wrong for a reason, and we should take these signs seriously. For me, I had faical numbness for 6 months before EVER mentioning it to ANYONE!!! I was also have these weird headaches, that felt like a knife going through my head on the right side. as soon as i told my doctor about the numbness, he ordered the MRI and the next day I was called and told about my AN (decemeber 23, 2009; Merry Christmas to me)
Anyways, keep your head up, there is tons of support here and I hope that you can find peace until you have more information.