Author Topic: Surgery Scheduled  (Read 3013 times)


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Surgery Scheduled
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:40:52 am »
Well... my surgery has been scheduled for September 1.  My balance tests revealed that my balance on the AN side (Left) is still functioning and therefore, I will likely be dizzy and probably nauseated post surgery. My CT revealed that my jugular vein is unusually high in my head and I could be at a higher risk for bleeding.  I am just thankful that they have the technology today so that they are prepared for the subsequent possibilities involved in the procedure.

A "date" gives some relief in knowing when the surgery will happen but does not relieve the anxiety of waiting.  It is still difficult to come to terms with the fact that I have a "brain tumor"... I tell myself it isn't really a brain tumor... it is an "ear tumor" ~ doen't sound near as invasive! :D  My husband doesn't like the word tumor... but really... does mass or growth sound better???  ::)  I told him that I have an excuse for ALL of my inappropriate behavior now... so I guess if I want to live on the wild side ~ now is the time because, as you know, it is the "tumor's" fault!  LOL

I find myself feeling nauseated and a little dizzy but believe it is just the anxiety, however, I find myself wondering if it is the "tumor"!  Seem to be having headaches more frequently... think they are probably "stressers" but again... I begin to wonder if it is the "tumor"!  Having a lot of sleepless nights and feeling fatigued often.  But all in all I have been able to stay positive mostly because of the wonderful people on this forum!  Although I haven't been posting... I have been reading and there are many success stories not to mention knowing that there is life after AN. 

Since I am having the Trans-Lab surgery, I know that I will be deaf on my left side but I have lost significant hearing in that ear all ready.  He also mentioned that because of the jugular vein they may have to do more than one procedure in order to get all of the tumor... I am hoping NOT!  ::) He said he believes that they will be able to preserve my facial movement but there is always that risk!  But thanks to your posts I know that all of the above is manageable.  It is also good to know that there are several hearing device options... with new products arriving on the market all the time. 

My doctor did discuss that the hospital stay would be roughly 5 days and I see that some of you have been discharged earlier... I'm hoping for that as well but I am prepared for the longer stay! 

I think I am prepared as far as understanding everything that is going to happen but I am frightened.   :'(
I feel bad for my family... I can see the concern and know that they are frightened as well.  My 13 old granddaughter is leaving on a mission trip and she wanted to be sure that I wasn't having surgery while she was gone... such a sweetie but I just hate seeing that fear on her beautiful little face.  My husband is restless and is so overprotective right now.  Although I don't want my summer to whiz by... I can't wait for this all to be behind me.

Thank you for all of you who take the time to encourage and support... to all of you who post your concerns ~ as we all have them but are often afraid to ask or even know what the answer might be... I hope that I will be as diligent in my encouragement post surgery so that I may support someone the way that I have been supported. 

Many blessings to all of you who take the time to inform and to CARE!  :)


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 08:15:37 am »
Hello! Not sure if I have welcomed you here or not but glad you have found us & have used our posts in a positive way. It really sounds like you have a handle on what will be going on. In my humble opinion, a strong faith, a good attitude & a supportive group of friends &/or spouse makes all the difference in the world in recovery...& of course, a sense of humor too! ;)
If you would like to chat, feel free to PM me with your number & a good time to call!

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!

Jim Scott

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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 12:32:31 pm »
Hi, Victoria ~

First, congratulations on securing a definite surgery date.  Although no one anticipates AN surgery with much enthusiasm, once the decision to have the surgery is settled, getting a firm date becomes sort of an accomplishment.  Well, that was how I felt about it.

You'll find that as the Big Day approaches, you'll likely become much more aware of anything 'AN-related', including the fatigue, which is real and will be with you for some time, post-op, but eventually subsides.  Playing word games with the tumor is common.  Some folks prefer euphemisms for 'tumor', including giving the thing a name, i.e. 'George'.  I just referred to it as my 'AN'.  Still do, in fact, because that's what it is.  I have no position on this and believe that whatever works ('AN', 'tumor', 'George' et al.) is fine.  ;)

Your doctor was correct regarding your hospital stay.  5 days is the norm.  I was in the hospital for 5 days.  Much of the first few days post-op are usually spent sleeping, napping and resting, if you get my drift.  However, depending on your condition and your doctor's judgment, you could be out sooner.  I was tempted to ask to be discharged early just to get away from daytime TV, but resisted the impulse.  :)  Seriously, there are always lots of variables so just assume a 5 day stay and if it's less, all the better.  It shouldn't be much more than that unless complications develop but with the good thoughts and prayers you'll be benefiting from, that shouldn't be a factor.

Being frightened is just proof that you're perfectly normal.  Admitting it makes you as normal as a person can be.  Honest too, an admirable trait.  Pre-op, I wasn't exactly frightened but definitely apprehensive.  Still, like you, I had excellent family support, full confidence in my neurosurgeon and the prayers of many, many good people.  They all combined to help me remain upbeat, even as my surgery day rapidly approached.  One note of caution: the 'what-if's' will drive you crazy so try not to go there.  If you can remain relatively positive and confident that you'll be O.K. (this is how I felt) you'll likely do much better.  Try to convey that assurance to your family.  Yes, this is a serious operation but it's been performed thousands of times.  It isn't fatal and the majority of AN patients experience good outcomes.  In the weeks leading up to your surgery, I suggest that you try to do things you really enjoy, stay as fit as possible and look past the operation and recovery period and what you'll do, then.  I employed this as a way to deal with anxiety, pre-op and the recovery period, that always seems to take too long, no matter how short it really is.     

Your resolve to 'pay it forward' is admirable, too.  Those of us who remain active on these forums long after our AN journey has effectively ended, receive a lot of pleasure in informing, advising and, most of all, supporting other AN patients.  I know you will, too.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2011, 02:07:53 pm »
Once again you wonderful people just pop in there to re-inforce and encourage... I love it!  Thank you so much and you are right "the date" seems like a huge accomplishment.  Although it only been a little over 5 weeks since I first saw a doctor about the AN, I feel like I have been dealing with it forever.  And even though September 1st seems so far away... it will be here before you know it!  :o

Right now the fatigue is the biggest bother to me... I've come to deal with the hearing loss!  Unfortunately, my husband, I'm guessing, has not... he has heard "excuse me, pardon me, what, huh" more than he cares to!  I, on the other hand have gained a remarkable excuse for the things I don't want to hear! LOL  >:D

Mmmm... a name for my tumor ~ I like that!!!  Let me see... what or who is the biggest pain in my butt!!! I'll have to think about that one.  LOL  Or... maybe I will let my grandchildren name it - they would probably find some humor in that. 

Yes... I am not looking forward to daytime television either... sleep sounds much more enticing!  It's been so long since I've had a week long restful vacation maybe I'll just pretend that I am on the beach in Isla Rotan with some exotic, fruity drink!   ;D

I have to say that my family and friends, this forum and my faith have helped me to stay upbeat and focus on what I can do to make this experience as pleasant as it possibly can be... well pleasant really isn't the word I'm looking for but you know what I mean.  I can't change what is... but I know with all of the love, support and prayers that are coming my way ~ it can only be a Win, Win situation!

Thanks for your kind thoughts! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! 


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 04:08:18 pm »
Not everyone has nausea post op, but I did (massive nausea) and quite frankly it sucked.  After the fact, someone on the Forum said that sucking on peppermint candy helps, so you might want to try it.  My biggest mistake w/the nausea was not eating, which made me weak, which made me not get out of bed and walk the halls when my docs said I should (bad patient  >:D ), which in the end kept me in the hospital an additional day.  So the moral of the nausea story, if you encounter it, is eat even small amounts if you can stand it.

The first couple of days post op are the hardest, but if you're like me you'll find that each and every day you make a little progress and eventually most things get back to normal.  I say "most" because I lost the hearing in my AN ear - and now my "new normal" includes a BAHA. 

And even though the first couple of days can be rough, the memories will fade in time.  Kind of like the memory of the pain that comes with childbirth  :o

Good luck with the surgery,

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways