Author Topic: kens surgery, 15 hours  (Read 15130 times)


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Re: kens surgery, 15 hours
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2011, 05:24:33 am »
hi everyone,
            just wanted to update on kennys recovery three weeks after surgery, he is doing really well, he has no dizziness, he walks straight and tall much improved than before surgery, ,his appetite is great, eating everything in the house, we go for walks and his therapist say he is making really good progress. The only problem he is having right now is his left eye, he cant close it all the way has to keep putting ointment in it,which blurs his vision,but we have been to a plastic surgeon who has suggested the gold weightand then hypoglossal surgery for the facial paralysis, Has anyone ever had that surgery done, what is the recovery time and will there be a scar?Thankyou all for you kind responses, will keep you posted as time goes on.


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Re: kens surgery, 15 hours
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2011, 03:20:14 pm »
     I am new here too. I notice your post are recent as well. I am sorry to meet you this way and am sorry to hear about the complications your son had with his surgery. Just letting you you're in our prayers and God does send His blessings in ways or places we may not see right away but they are there.
     Keep hanging in there and I will too  , God Bless you and yours  ,   Wendy - Wlo