I was diagnosed with a small tumour in March, and am currently on watch & wait. I have tinnitus 24/7 and moderate hearing loss and work in a library, which makes the tinnitus even more annoying, being in a quieter environment.
I went to an ENT about tinnitus treatment options, and he did recommend Amitriptyllin being something that many people find helpful. Another suggestion he had was a hearing aid. I was hesitant to try the drug, so I made an appointment at a hearing aid clinic to investigate a hearing aid.
Was I ever glad I did! I had no idea there were hearing aids specifically for tinnitus sufferers. They recommended the Widex Mind, and I got it yesterday. So far, I am really impressed! Mine has three settings, hearing aid, hearing aid plus zen tones, and zen tones only. I chose the "Aqua" program of zen tones, and you get to select the speed, pitch and volume of the tones. I wore it to work yesterday, and it was great; only time it was too loud was when I was helping a customer find a book and she burst out laughing right next to my ear!
I was surprised last night when I removed it how much I was aware of the tinnitus again; couldn't wait to put it back on this morning...
My clinic was able to get me a few discounts, and they talked Widex into giving me the remote for free (it's about $200). Mine cost $1718 altogether; Canadian gov't pays $500, and my insurance will pay $275 every 5 years. Yes, it's expensive, but if it helps your sanity, and you can manage it, why not?
I'll be honest here, my tinnitus was starting to cause marital problems, so if we're both happier, life's much nicer.