Hi David,
I believe it is the increase in blood pressure and heart rate that causes the symptom flare ups you are experiencing. I also suffered from increased symptoms before my surgery, while conducting any kind of work out, to the point where I was down to very light work outs in the two to three weeks prior.
I am 14 months post op (today!) and I now experience increased tinnitus when I run, and my left eye (surgery side) will tear a great deal when I work out or run. It does not 'cry' though or tear up for onions etc. The AN has a blood supply as do the nerves it is on and near. I had clicking, buzzing, moaning, whistling and whining on my left side for about 3 months after surgery.
Your AN may be more sensitive now that it has been treated. It could be swollen, which would restrict the blood flow to the nerves around it. It's a pretty tight space in there and your an is pressing on all kinds of nerves and vessels.
The caveat to all this is, I am not a doctor, but I have read a great deal on these forums, and have worked out for years. I have come to believe in the correlation of the symptoms and the increase of bp and hr..
All the best in your recovery...