Author Topic: Just had surgery yesterday..?  (Read 2512 times)


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Just had surgery yesterday..?
« on: December 21, 2011, 07:06:14 pm »
So I just had the secound sergery to the crossfacial nerve graft and hypoglosal. Any one did the 7_12 & cross facial nerve I had a little movment after the first sergery but now im nervous cause my toung is that I gunna lose movment before I get more???? :/


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Re: Just had surgery yesterday..?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 10:39:26 pm »

I just wanted to wish you a fast recovery. It's beeen 8 1/2 months since my surgery. My face is still paralyzed, and it's been really tough the past months. I really hope you get good result with your surgery.
MRI found 5.1cm AN on left on 3/18/11: age of 28
Surgery 4/5/11 with dr.Tamargo and dr. Francis. @ johns Hopkins
Whole tumor removed, facial nerves in tact, but unresponsive
Platinum eyelid weight on 4/6
Left facial paralysis, numbness, double vision

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