Funny thing about December 9th...for several days leading up to that date I was thinking about my 2 year anniversary, but then that day hit and I totally forgot about it, it wasn't until the next day my wife mentioned something about it! Anyways, I am happy to report that everything is still ticking along. As far as my symptoms, my balance is not too bad, I do have my moments though. I also sometimes still get way overexhausted...part of the reason is I work a night shift, and on my days off I "switch" to days then back to nights when I work. I just can't handle it anymore, so I've been campaigning big time at work to get switched to days. It may happen around the beginning of next we'll see. The hearing on my AN side is still there, but its pretty useless to really hear anything good out of. So as some of you know, I got my BAHA (Ponto) and have been getting used to it and enjoying its benefits. I would say all the crap I had to go through to get it has been worth it. So that's it in a nutshell, if any newbies are reading this, just know there is life after AN, and it's good!