Wow! Thanks all those of you who responded. I'm still working a few different angles here with my insurance, VA, and the House Clinic. This is quite an experience on many levels, so I'm still learning here. I'm wondering if anyone has written a book on living with AN. I'd buy a copy today. It's a good thing we all have become advocates for each other. This site is a good thing.
While I haven't made up my mind just yet, I'm leaning more towards the House Clinic. I talked to Dr. Friedman last week and he wants to do the surgery. He also informed me that they have an agreement with Kaiser to do the surgery at a Kaiser facility. I would only be responsible for the surgical team's fee. The rest would be covered by Kaiser. The problem I'm finding out with the VA is that it takes forever to get anything done. I'm sure some of you Vets can agree with this. When I went to the VA last week, I still had not been assigned a family doctor. Therefore, I was still on a waiting list. He couldn't get me in for an appointment until March. I was kind of hoping to be surfing in Hawaii around that time as part of my post op PT.
I know...wishful thinking. Well I at least wanted to have my surgery done by then. So anyway, thanks again for posting.
Dave Cruz, Former
USAF Pararescue