Hi all, finally back home late Saturday 5th November, after further surgery on Monday 31st Oct. Initially, when I was re-admitted the Wednesday previous, the ENT consultant came in at 2.45am (honestly!!) to say that they could see the leak, but weren’t exactly sure whether it was coming from inside the skull/brain, or from the outside area, the menages?? Anyway, he says we will open you up, through the original incision, pack it up with fat off your tum (yum!, not that I have a lot to start with!!), it will take about an hour, & its more of a inconvenience, its fairly straightforward, & that will be that. OK. Got that sorted in my mind.
Once the debacle of actually getting the op done (I have to admit the possibility of meningitis was a bit worrying, when they kept postponing the op, all for good reasons I know, but you still worry don’t you?) was over, the top ENT consultant came to see me on Monday morning prior to surgery (due 2nd to theatre) early having seen the CT scan, to tell me what the plans were. Then he throws me a little curveball... He is not convinced that their original 1 hour patch-me-up-&-chuck-me-out idea is going to work.... hmmm So the plan now, is to remove my entire inner ear structure, seeing as I lost the hearing in the initial surgery, & its now redundant anyway, then seal up the ear from the inside, permanently. This would hopefully seal the leak from wherever it was coming from. Unfortunately though it would be much more than an hour surgery…. From some research on ANA, it would appear this is/was called a Sub Total Petrosectomy and Blind Sac Closure???
Bumped up to first place on theatre list, down to theatre at 9.15am. Finally back on ward at 1.45pm. Turns out that surgeon actually took my ear off from the back, to do the work, resulting in a another incision, right around the back of my ear, literally taking my ear off! My ear is now incredibly painful, & has a row of stitches, which ENT tell me will be left in permanently, & no depth inside the ear. Side of face is swollen, & ear feels like Dumbo's!!
I have to say I was woefully unprepared for all this. I really had bounced back out of initial surgery, chipper as you like. Felt really quite good, although I knew there was a long way to go, I still felt this was totally an achievable goal… Really positive. Now I feel very differently. This second surgery has left me feeling totally bashed about. I have to be honest & say that the necessity of the second surgery has left me with far more issues that the original one, & right at this minute, this super positive person is feeling very deflated…
Gosh I sound very down, sorry about that. I guess I needed to get it all down & out of my system. Feel a bit better for writing it down. I just feel a bit like I’m standing in front of Everest, feeling like this mountain I am never going to climb, & wondering where all my positivity has gone….
I know Kenneth had this CSF leak procedure. If you are around anytime soon, Kenneth, how are you getting on? I have some horrible issues relating to this second surgery, so any positives that you could give me for the future, plus of course from anyone else who has had this done, I would be eternally grateful. 6 days after 2nd discharge, & I can see my face is swelling up. Should I be worried about this? I was discharged, taking Dexamethazone steriod on reducing dose, & they finished a couple of days ago. Still have to take painkillers every 4 hours, half my head feels like it isnt there, totally numb around the ear & original site wound. Any help would be appreciated. Best wishes to all Ange