Author Topic: Finally had MRI today. Question on what tech said?  (Read 22805 times)


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Re: Finally had MRI today. Question on what tech said?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2012, 10:06:04 am »
I had FSR in 2003 for 1.5 cm right side AN.  For the first few months after treatment the tumor swelled, magnifying the side effects. Decacrap helped relieve the swelling.  Continued to have MRI every 6 months.  About 2 years ago, my last MRI, the tumor had shrunk about 4mm.  Over the years, hearing in the right ear remained at about 20%, tinnitus comes and goes and the balance issues are always there but seem to intensify when I don't get enough rest.  Since Sunday I have developed severe balance problems.  Hoping this is just another episode and not indicative of more problems. I have not had any client meetings this week but have to attend one this afternoon, I guess my wife will drive, I don't want to go in the meeting with a cane.  Good luck to you.  I had some very interesting things happen during treatment I will share at a later time.
2003   1.5cmX1,6cmx1.3cm
FSR Sara Cannon Cancer Center  Nashville
2006  1.1 cmX1.2cmX .9cm

Cheryl R

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Re: Finally had MRI today. Question on what tech said?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2012, 03:02:56 pm »
Jan,my dr would wonder why the MRI looked different than previous ones too.    I open my eyes but not for long.     The machine at Iowa City seems smaller inside than my one at where I worked and did them there.  Plus Boone's had a small mirror so could see there is still life outside.     My worse part is the contrast but now IC does an IV with cap on it ahead of time.  So once that is done ahead is less worry.
I will be a basket case till see my dr later that day.                                 Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: Finally had MRI today. Question on what tech said?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2012, 11:15:42 am »
I have slept during every MRI I've ever had.  3 on my head, and 1 on my hip.  I also sleep while laying on the table with accupuncture needles stuck in me.  I don't get many opportunities to lay still during the day, so I take advantage when I can!!  LOL

Louise UK

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Re: Finally had MRI today. Question on what tech said?
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2012, 03:33:53 am »
I remember when I had my MRI to find out what was going on. After I got out of the MRI machine and sat up the tech has this worried look on her face and asks "when is your follow up appt"? I told her and she said ok ok good. WTF :o
I ended up getting the report and the scans to bring to the dr's appt. So I looked at the report. I did not understand it so I googled it. MAN WAS I FREAKING OUT.

Hi Mindy,

I had a follow up MRI yesterday and the Tech asked me the same thing about when my appointment was for my results. Of course I started panicking straight away. I asked why she wanted to know, she said it was just to know how quickly to send the scans off. If my appontment for the the results was next week rather than a few weeks, my scans would have priority.

Im still worrying about it though! Maybe she was just making up an excuse as to why she was asking ??:-\ She did say though that they aren't allowed to say anything about the scan anyway, but im thinking all sorts!! Does anyone have any thoughts on this??

Louise. x