Author Topic: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI  (Read 4398 times)


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Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« on: March 24, 2012, 07:18:23 pm »
Hello all,

This my first post to this forum. I’ve had a whirlwind trip over the last month or so. I went from being dizzy with a ringing in my ears in mid February thinking I had an inner ear infection to finding out I have an AN last Monday. A little freaked out to say the least. Luckily my ENT doc had enough experience to have me go for a hearing test. Then with the poor results from that realized I should have an MRI done.

I got the results last Monday. He recommended that I go to HEI. I was able to get an appointment with Dr. John House this past Wednesday. I really liked his approach. Even though the doctor that saw me before Dr. House came in suggested I take a wait and see approach, Dr. House thought surgery was the way to go.

His reason being, since the tumor was borderline small to medium, 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm and affecting my balance and hearing (to a smaller extent) that removal doing a middle fossa now was the way to go.

I was unsure of what to do. He told me they could do a balance test and a test to see how the hearing nerve was being affected. His team there was great. Since I lived over 2 hours away they found a way to get me into those test the same morning.

After the test, Dr House still thought surgery was the best way to go for me. Especially if I wanted to try to save my hearing. Being in the television half of my job is listening to videos so any chance of saving my hearing to ANY degree was important.

I was told they would have to see when they could fit me into the schedule. This was hard to do since there were so many people involved in the procedure. I was expecting mid to late April. I called the woman I spoke to about the schedule yesterday because I had some questions. She said she was glad I called because she had found a date for me April 26th. I was very happy. Then she said wait, she wasn’t sure that was the right date. She spent 5 minutes trying to find the email with the info. After the 5 minutes she said she’d have to call me back.

About a half hour later, she did. She was WRONG about the date. It wouldn’t be until the end of May, 2 months from now. I guess the other doctors were busy and that Dr. House would be out of the office most of May

I don’t want to wait that long. I want this thing out! I then asked about having another doctor at HEI do the procedure. I felt like I was asking for her first born.

So here’s my question. Is it wrong to ask to have another doctor do the procedure other than Dr. House? The woman there made it seem so. Or should I wait for Dr. House? From what I’ve read in the forums here, all the doctors at HEI are some of the best in the world. Anyway, I don’t know if there are available openings with any of the other docs there.

Any advise or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2/17/12- Urgent Care dizzy/ringing in ear.Told sinus infection.It wasn't
2/23- ENT Doc Inconclusive.Sent to hearing test
3/8- Hearing test
3/12- ENT concerned w/test results.Sent for MRI
3/12- MRI
3/19- ENT sees AN.Sent to HEI
3/21- Dr. House recommends middle fossa
4/26- Scheduled for Surgery


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 06:09:01 am »
Hi Ray and welcome to this forum .....

First of all, I certainly can identify with your anxiety in wanting the AN out of your head.  However, do keep in mind that the vast majority of acoustic neuromas are very slow growing so waiting two months will not probably hurt your chances for a successful removal at HEI.  By all means if any of your symptoms change significantly you should notify Dr. House.

As an HEI alum, I can tell you that all of the doctors there are excellent.  However, it is doubtful that any of the docs there could get you in any sooner unless it becomes an emergency.  To my knowledge, there are only two neurosurgeons on staff, along with several neuro-otolaryngologists.  Since they work in teams, the scheduling is tricky sometimes.

By all means follow-up with whatever feels right to you and do not ignore any change in your symptoms.


Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 07:06:13 am »
I agree with Clarice. House is a great place to go and I know they are busy. Unless it is an emergency or your sx are really bad they will schedule accordingly. I'm sure now that its getting to be warmer out the doctors are probably going to thier Hawian homes for a vacation....LOL
I would keep talking to Rita the scheduler at House and see what she says. I enjoyed speaking with her, however she does have to work around everyone's schedule.

Good luck and keep us posted.
14mm dx 9/07. CK done Seattle  1 year MRI showed some shrinkage. 4 year MRI 2mm growth nothing conclusive. Trigminal nerve involvment Retrosigmoid Friedmand/Schwartz HEI March 7,2012


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 10:23:43 am »
Thank you both. I think I'm going to have them see if anyone is available. If I have to wait, I have to wait. No matter what, I'm going to have it done at HEI.

Mindy- The scheduler helping me is Maria Carmen Ruelas. She seemed a little unorganized and a little unsure of herself. Thank goodness she's not doing the surgery. LOL

2/17/12- Urgent Care dizzy/ringing in ear.Told sinus infection.It wasn't
2/23- ENT Doc Inconclusive.Sent to hearing test
3/8- Hearing test
3/12- ENT concerned w/test results.Sent for MRI
3/12- MRI
3/19- ENT sees AN.Sent to HEI
3/21- Dr. House recommends middle fossa
4/26- Scheduled for Surgery


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 01:13:54 pm »
Ray I had my surgery 9 weeks ago at HEI with Friedman/Shwartz and mine was about the same size as yours but my hearing nerve was already nearly gone so I had Translab.  I think having it done there is your best decision.  I had to wait 2 months too, but worth it.  The anxiety prior to surgery is in my opinion the very worst part of the hole experience.  Try to work on some relaxation exercises so you have that skill perfected as you are placed into sleep for surgery.  There are several of us who have gone to HEI just this year with great outcomes!  Pod luck and keep in touch.
1.6 cm AN Translab with Dr.'s Friedman and Shwartz with HEI on 1-25-2012.  I am doing great!  Surgery saved my life :).   Be brave, have a great attitude, and hire the best surgical team!!!!


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 09:12:00 pm »
I got good news today! They got me in sooner then planned. My surgery is scheduled for 4/26 with Dr. House and Dr. Schwartz. I'm so happy its a month sooner then they originally planned. I'm glad I asked that they try.

I'm sure I'll have many questions as my date gets closer. The people in this forum are the best.

I'll keep you posted.


2/17/12- Urgent Care dizzy/ringing in ear.Told sinus infection.It wasn't
2/23- ENT Doc Inconclusive.Sent to hearing test
3/8- Hearing test
3/12- ENT concerned w/test results.Sent for MRI
3/12- MRI
3/19- ENT sees AN.Sent to HEI
3/21- Dr. House recommends middle fossa
4/26- Scheduled for Surgery


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 06:36:08 am »
Hey Ray...glad to hear you got an early date!! I was sort of in the same shoes as you when I went to House for my surgery. I did want it earlier, just because I wanted to get it over with.  I am one of those people that as soon as I make my mind up about something then I go full thrusters to get it done (maybe with blinders on sometimes, but what they heck!) When I was at House, I was really surprised how busy they were there...they do get people coming in from all over the world.  They do a huge array of procedures there at that clinic. Simple things from putting tubes in kids ears to all the audiological services they offer and what not.  As you said, they are one of the best in the world for this kind of thing, and that makes them highly desirable and sought after.  So I am glad you got in around the time what you wanted. Now that you have handed the reigns over, you can sit back and take it easy. Try not to dwell on it (I know, hard to do!) but before you go in, I might suggest doing excercises to both keep your mind off things AND get your body prepared for what will be a major surgery. Don't go overdoing it, but try to do a little something nonetheless! Take care and if you have any questions about House don't hesitate to ask me or anyone of the numerous House alumn here on the discussion board! Good luck!
8.1mm x 7.8mm x 8.2mm AN, Left Ear, Middle Fossa surgery performed on 12/9/09 at House by Drs. Brackmann/Schwartz. Some hearing left, but got BAHA 2/25/11 (Ponto Pro) To see how I did through my Middle Fossa surgery, click here:


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 07:14:20 pm »
Hurray for you.  9 weeks post with great outcome!  I am happy for you.  You will do great!  Keep asking questions.    ;)
1.6 cm AN Translab with Dr.'s Friedman and Shwartz with HEI on 1-25-2012.  I am doing great!  Surgery saved my life :).   Be brave, have a great attitude, and hire the best surgical team!!!!


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2012, 10:23:48 am »
I went back to this post because I remember Ray saying something about his surgery scheduler.  I, too, have Maria Carmen Ruelas.  She does seem disorganized which makes me nervous.  I tried to ask her several questions on the phone after she gave me my tentative date and she seemed to be annoyed with me.  I asked her when I should expect the packet to arrive in the mail (as I know Mindy got hers one week prior) and she pretty much blew me off.  I can't get it one week prior because I will already be in Los Angeles.  I wanted to know about a medical excuse as I will need one prior to being off from work.  She told me to call Sunny, Dr. Friedman's assistant.  I also asked about when I should schedule my flight home.  Again, she seemed annoyed.  I thought they were called a "surgery counselor" because they were the ones who should be able to help you through the process and answer questions.  She seemed like she just wanted to schedule the surgery and be done with me. 

I have to wait for her to call me back to confirm the surgery date.  She had to check to see if Dr. Schwartz was also available that date.  Of course, I'm getting impatient.  I have her email address, but I'm afraid if I email her, she'll be even more annoyed and will make me wait. 

Thanks for listening.


P.S.  We had two people on the forum that had surgeries on Thursday and Friday last week.  I haven't seen any posts yet.  I'm always anxious to see how they are doing.
6/2009 7mm x 4mm  W&W
8/2011 9.5mm x 5mm
2/2012 UPMC Follow-up , slight growth
Surgery on 7/18/12 w/Drs. Friedman & Schwartz (mid-fossa)


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Re: Should I wait for Dr. House at HEI
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2012, 04:57:10 pm »
I know one of them does not want to be posting on here or FB. He wants it private. The other will post soon. Well the one from Wednesdays surgery. If you don't like Maria then ask for Rita.
14mm dx 9/07. CK done Seattle  1 year MRI showed some shrinkage. 4 year MRI 2mm growth nothing conclusive. Trigminal nerve involvment Retrosigmoid Friedmand/Schwartz HEI March 7,2012