Author Topic: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet  (Read 16352 times)


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2012, 06:13:38 pm »
Did you have your MRI in the same machine and location as the others? I have heard that there can be a margin of error in measurement depending on the slice angle of the MRI.  I'm trying the same diet and take Zyflamend twice a day.  My tumor hadn't changed in size on the second MRI taken on the same machine.  Going soon for the third MRI so we'll see if its still stable.


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2012, 10:52:45 pm »
Captoats... yes all MRIs done in the same facility, same machine, same technician, same radiologist.  Just sent you a PM.
Wait & Watch
1st Symptom Temporary SHL 7/10 AN Diagnosed via MRI 4/14/11
AN Size 4/14/11 = 1.4cm x 1.8cm x 1.7cm
AN size 7/14/11 = Same - Stable, no growth
AN Size 2/01/12 = 1.3cm x 1.3cm x 1.6cm (5mm reduction)
AN Size 11/27/12 = less than a centimeter! (50% reduction! And I can still hear!)


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2012, 12:49:33 pm »

That's great news!  I also changed my diet following my diagnosis and Cyberknife.  I'm almost vegan now.  And I also stay away from the three whites (white flour, sugar, salt).  It's funny.  Right away my blood pressure normalized and I haven't even been out running since my Cyberknife treatment.  My bottom number dropped from 90 to 75.  An impossible feat without running every day.  I have this gut feeling that an AN is a real wuss of a tumor and if you give the body what it should have it'll take care of it.  Oh, I should have mentioned acupuncture twice a week, too.

Yet Another Cyberknife Experience At Stanford
Diagnosed with right-side 2.2 cm AN on Jan 16, 2012.  Stanford cyberknife from Feb 6 to Feb 10, 2012.


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2012, 03:53:31 pm »
Hey Greg!  Great to hear your news.  In some ways getting these tumors is an extremely effective wake up call to take care of ourselves.  I'm feeling better than I have in years.  How is your acupuncture going?  It's too bad that insurance companies don't want to pay for more of these alternative medicines.  I may have just saved my insurance company $50,000 but my out of pocket cost is about $1500 for what insurance will not cover.  Why they will pay for an expensive surgery but not something like acupuncture is beyond me.  Hopefully some day.... 

Be well!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 09:52:43 am by LisaM »
Wait & Watch
1st Symptom Temporary SHL 7/10 AN Diagnosed via MRI 4/14/11
AN Size 4/14/11 = 1.4cm x 1.8cm x 1.7cm
AN size 7/14/11 = Same - Stable, no growth
AN Size 2/01/12 = 1.3cm x 1.3cm x 1.6cm (5mm reduction)
AN Size 11/27/12 = less than a centimeter! (50% reduction! And I can still hear!)


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2012, 08:42:00 am »
Hi - I recently joined the club in Aug 2011 with a 6mm AN (MRI done in May 2011).

I like a challenge and an excuse to change my diet. My diet (4 weeks now) is loosely based on the findings in this book (China Study) and hoping for at least the status quo for my next MRI (Dec or Jan).

The diet is essientially whole food and vegetarian, althought I am eating a little meat and fish. So thats low GI generally, being NO bread, suger, cake, white rice, milk, yoghurt, beer etc. Lots of fruit, vege, nuts, beans... I cannot give up the whiskey, wine and coffee (but now without milk)

Obviously I am feeling healthier and have dropped 2cms off the waist. Some odd little fatty lumps scattered around my body are shrinking (which I think are like little tumours?) so hoping the one in my head is doing the same.

Having been checking my hearing but cannot be certain things have changed for the better or worse. Certainly the fullness feeling in the ear is not so apparent and my inner ear is regaining some sensitivity. Could be my wishfull thinking..! I am planning to get a official hearing test in another month to check if things are improving

Has anyone else out there had any success in W&W with dietry changes? Success for me equals no growth (or maybe very slow growth)

Its fantastic that the forum exists and makes all this possible, it would have been a lonley journey 10 or more years ago

Back to my carrots, "what's up doc..!"



I do not have an answer for the healthy way of life not there yet but had to comment about your other tumors I too have numerous ones throughout my body but was told they were lipomas and not to worry but I am wondering if there is any significant relationship between tumors?

Best Wishes,
Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.

Cheryl R

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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2012, 08:55:43 am »
Lipomas are just fatty tissue and not any nerve involvement.       The neuroma is nerve involved.      Those with NF2 can have nerve involved ones over the body.      I have NF2 but have not had any of these.     Lipomas are found on a lot of people.      I could see with the change in diet that they may shrink some with less fat intake.                                                  Cheryl R                           
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: China Study - Whole food - plant based diet
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2012, 10:31:37 am »
I watch this thread with much interest  these days.  I became aware of my second AN this past September and have had two MRIs done over a three month period.  It grew 3 MM in that time.  I have since scheduled a "decompression" surgery at HEI.  I don't dare go for removal or radiation as I don't like the odds of retaining hearing in my only working ear with either treatment.  So I will continue with W&W after the decompression. 

I was also made aware of the China Study and the Forks over Knives a month or so ago.  Being a staunch meat lover and used to drinking three glasses of milk each meal, I tell you it was with great skepticism I switched to a Plant Based Diet three weeks ago.  I hope it will control the growth of this bug in my ear.  Time will tell once the decompression surgery is done and I start with the regular MRI followups. 

Some IMMEDIATE results I have noticed though are a significant drop in my BP in a matter of days.  I went from a normal BP of 150/95 (while on BP meds) to 125/80 (still on BP meds for a while).  I haven't had that BP in over 20 years!

I also lost 11 pounds in two weeks and saw the number 210 on the scale for the first time in those same 20 years.

I will say the two benefits I have seen so far are well worth the effort and sacrifice of this diet alone.  If it controls the growth of the AN long term I may well be a vegan (much as I dislike the term) for life. 

Updates to follow over time.