Hi Cyndi...I am sorry you had to find this place, but I am glad you did. There's a great group of people on here who can help out with all kinds of questions. I'd like to first take the opportunity to mention about the information packets that the folks here at ANA have available. Just go to the main page, and click on the "New Acoustic Neuroma Patients Click Here" Button and that will get you started. So, to answer your immediate questions, what to expect at your Dr's appointment can vary greatly. Depending on your tumor size, he'll offer you options...the smaller the tumor the more options you have. If you have a large tumor, then those options are fewer. This is usually the worse part of the whole AN process...what to do with it? Some people have radiation treatments, others go with surgery. Then you have to decide what kind of radiation or what kind of surgery...if so offered choices. For myself, I wanted surgery. So I got several opinions. A couple of doctors suggested translab, one offered middle fossa. Just know that every person is unique, and so their treatment plan will be unique as well. Ask a lot of questions, and if you can't really think of any...come back on here, and tell us what the doctor told you, and then that can maybe generate some dialog that may help you. We are not doctors, but just people who have been in your shoes. By the way, how big did they say your AN was? Again...glad to meet you and let us know how it goes!