My first MRI 2/12, just 3 months ago. I was content with watch and wait for 6 months. However, 2 weeks ago I experienced additional sudden hearing loss, was treated with steroids and although I had some improvement around days 6-10 on the steroids, I finished them and have found that the tinitus is back strong and hearing has regressed some. Today I did experience some dizziness, though I can't quite out my finger on how to describe it. I'm probably sounding a bit paranoid, I'm told my AN is very close to my cochlea, which I expect to give me additional hearing problems soone rather than later. I see my AN doc next Monday. Does it seem unreasonable to ask for another MRI this soon? I'm concerned that if it is a rapidly growing one, then I need to make decisions sooner as well. My anticipated treatment will be CK,so does it make a diferencein the end?
6 months seemed OK to wait before, but with this recent event, it seems its all I think about these days. Perhaps it will give me some piece of mind.