You would not get meningitis from the sheets. In most hospitals any more, sheets are not changed daily. Anyone with any chance of meningitis would automatically be put in isolation until proven it is bacterial or viral with anyone taking care of them wearing full gown and glove garb. Mask and all if something is considered airborne. So try not to worry about that aspect of having surgery. Actually if it close to a weekend in some ways it is quieter around and makes easier rest time. Surgery is not fun but I have been thru it 4 times and mine was easier in some ways than some other types of surgery there can be. The just being tired for what seems like forever but really isn't was the hardest for me even with some issues post op.
Cheryl R
I also should have added that any patient in isolation has their linens put in bags and sent to laundry and not be laundered with regular linens. Thought better add this as is something you assume people would know but some may not. Cheryl R
Thanks, Cheryl. Having the appropriate expectations always makes a big difference for me. I think he was also complaining that the laundry room was directly across from his room. Some people are very afraid of germs.
I just need to know what to expect so I'm not worried any more than I am already. It helps to hear from a professional!
I have chronic fatigue. Recovery time is a genuine concern for me. I hope I will bounce back as most people do. On the other hand, I'm used to working even though I don't feel well, so I won't wait until I feel great, which may never happen.