As I have posted previously, I was just diagnosed last July and received Gamma Knife on August 30th. During this time I reconnected with a friend who has dealt with hearing loss her entire life. She encouraged me to participate in the Pennsylvania Walk4Hearing last September. This year I have joined the PA walk committee. In so doing, we have entered into al Alliance agreement with ANA. 40% on the proceeds raised by Team ANA in PA and Acoustic Neuroma California will go to ANA.
I ask all of you out there to join this very worthy cause. As you know, most of us suffer from mild to complete hearing loss. Along with ANA, the Hearing Loss Association of America helped me come to terms with my hearing loss and proceed with the BAHA procedure on May 16th. I am a music therapist who works with children and adults with developmental disabilities as such my hearing is very important to me.
If you are interested in joining or supporting either team here are the links.
Team ANA - Pennsylvania (Tracy Perry Captain) Neuroma California help us spread awareness about this rare cause of hearing loss. There are walks all over the United States if you are interested in starting a team feel free to contact me and I can answer any questions you may have. I am fortunate enough to have the national coordinator of all the walks in my backyard. Thank you.
Tracy Perry