It would help to know the size of your AN in August, what your symptoms were prior to August and how long before August were you experiencing them.
Meantime, I'm going through a similar bureaucracy with my Veterans Administration health care.
I'll give you my timeline.
December 2011 - Almost complete loss of hearing right ear. Some tinnitus. Some balance issues. Advised primary care physician and was referred to Audiologist.
February 2012 was first available appointment with Audiologist. Audiogram confirmed hearing loss. Referred to ENT.
March 2012 was first available appointment with ENT. Referred for MRI.
April 2012 was first available appointment for MRI. MRI found right side AN 3x4x9mm. Balance, tinnitus and hearing issues unchanged so decided to Watch and Wait for 6 months.
October 2012 - Second MRI showed growth to 4x4x11mm. Right side hearing completely gone, tinnitus on that side also gone, balance issues no change. Decided to kill it. Believed I was a good candidate for Gamma Knife.
November 2012 - After a month of hassling with the VA, was advised that paperwork would go through approving the procedure at Barrow Neurological Center here in Phoenix.
Might be another 3 to 5 weeks for the VA to process the paperwork authorizing Barrow to bill the VA.
My Gamma Knife is likely to occur afte the first of the year. So we are in the same boat with bureaucratic delays.
And, yes, experience counts. Stick with the doctor who has lots of experience with this.
As for how to look on the bright side, check this out: be familiar to somebody in the UK.