Author Topic: Looking for dry-eye people before and after surgery, no facial paralysis  (Read 2710 times)


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Well, Ken is actually asking a question of all you guys.   I am acting as recording secretary. Are there any of you that had dry eye before surgery and after but had no facial paralysis or  eye droop after surgery.  He had dry eye before the surgery and it  was somewhat manageable.  Now 4 weeks after surgery it has turned into a nightmare again.  Drops, gels, restasis, punctal (sp) plugs are all being used. He has no eye droop or facial weakness, but has severe dry eye. He will see specialist again tomorrow to see if there is anything else to do, maybe more plugs in the upper ducts.  We just wanted to know if any one had this and saw improvement over time.  We are doing better in other areas each day. Thanks to all for encouragement. Now lets see who can come up with an idea for this one.   KenJen  (Ken and Jeanie)
Translab - House 7/17/06
No facial problems but post and pre surgery  chronic dry eye in both eyes


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I am so sorry about the eye problems.  My dry eye cleared up 6 - 8 weeks post op and it was not a problem before surgery.  I am writing to wish you the best but I don't have any ideas for you.  I just wanted you to know that I do understand as that was my only problem post op and it was HORRIBLE.  Once my cornea healed (it was scratched) I felt much better.

I just taked to a woman yesterday (she had surgery 7/27) and her only complaint is the dry eye. 

Best of luck at the eye doctor today and hopefully with time the tears will start flowing.


ps:  I bought a cheap pair of swimming goggles to wear outside.  Goofy looking?  Yep but so what.  They worked.
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Well, Ken is actually asking a question of all you guys.   I am acting as recording secretary. Are there any of you that had dry eye before surgery and after but had no facial paralysis or  eye droop after surgery.  He had dry eye before the surgery and it  was somewhat manageable.  Now 4 weeks after surgery it has turned into a nightmare again.  Drops, gels, restasis, punctal (sp) plugs are all being used. He has no eye droop or facial weakness, but has severe dry eye. He will see specialist again tomorrow to see if there is anything else to do, maybe more plugs in the upper ducts.  We just wanted to know if any one had this and saw improvement over time.  We are doing better in other areas each day. Thanks to all for encouragement. Now lets see who can come up with an idea for this one.   KenJen  (Ken and Jeanie)
Be heartened.  In my case time has really helped, along with the punctal plugs.  Now. over three years out, I often forget to use eye drops, which means I am not suffering as before.  I had trouble reading for two years.  But eyes seem better now, really, and it is a huge relief.  so take heart.
3.5 cm AN total resection via suboccipital  April 2003 Barker & McKenna, MGH Boston one week, two weeks Spaulding Rehab
silicone punctal plugs in lower puncta for dry eye,
persistent post op head pain
Acupuncture, craniosacral treatments, Tramadol   200  reduced to 150, now 100mg. daily Feb 2007