Well I finally have my Appointment for the MRI....not as soon as I would like, but at least I finally have a date, October 12, I could have gotten it done earlier IF I went to a hospital but the cost would be higher.
I've been reading the posts, I'm into the archives now, and am learning a lot. I have to say the more time that passes the more nervous I'm becoming. I'm normally an optimist so this is really throwing me for a loop. I remember now that the AN I was dx'd with in 2005 is in my right ear, not the left that I'm having problems with, so we'll see if the right side AN has grown any more and IF I do have one on the left. I'm not having problems on the right except for Trigeminal Neuralgia which is pretty bad right now......thinking stress has something to do with this. Unfortunately Facial paralysis is something I'm fairly used to, I had Bells Palsy almost 20 years ago and have not recovered 100% of the facial movement and have a lot of cross healing of the nerves so I make Funny faces quite often, lol, (this is on the side I'm having symptoms on.)
One thing I know is that I will be referred to a Dr. Michael Fritsch, an ENT/Neurotologist in Indianapolis when the results come in from the MRI. I've been told that much so far.....kind of like putting the horse in front of the cart, but at least I can research him before I go.
Well, that's all I know so far. Hopefully by the 15th I'll know more! Just wanted to let you know the progress or lack of progress that I'm getting so far.
Thanks for listening.