For those anticipating surgery, I'd like to share a very positive experience with the best possible outcome. I had translab. surgery for acoustic neuroma (approx. 2.1 cm) on June 8, 2006 at The House Ear Clinic in Los Angeles. The first 36 hours following surgery are a bit of a blur, of course. I do remember a little nausea and a small amount of pain. After 48 hours, I was out of bed and walking without assistance, my balance no worse than before surgery. I had no facial paralysis. My pre-surgery headaches were gone.The effects of severing the left auditory nerve were not as dramatic as I had anticipated. Apparently I had already lost most of the hearing in that ear and my brain had made adjustments gradually. After 72 hours, I was dressed in street clothes, sitting in a chair, reading a book. I was released that morning and flew home five days later. Two weeks after surgery, I was taking my big yellow lab for daily walks again, a little slower than usual, though. Six weeks after surgery, I was back in yoga classes. My balance has continued to improve and is better than before surgery. I have only a neat, thin scar worthy of a plastic surgeon to remind me of that experience. AN surgery can be that simple, not necessarily easy, but simple and straightforward. I'm 59 years old, so youth was not a factor! A big factor was that I had the utmost faith in the House Clinic team of Drs. Slattery, Schwartz and Stefan. The House Clinic ( is the largest center for AN in the world. There's nothing like experience!