Hi there Jeanette: WOW - you are a fresh post-op. I know what you are going through & know that this is such a difficult time. I had total paralysis (still do) b/c my facial nerve was cut. As Jill Marie said, it does take some people who had facial weakness post op to regain their function, some don't regain it 100% but come very close.
Contact your surgeons re: this issue, but I have heard it happen to others & then their face starts healing again.
Now, it's really important for you to protect your cornea. I use Refresh PM lubricant exclusively (even after 6 years b/c of the permanent paralysis). I suggest you use this frequently (do you have feeling in your eye - does it burn from being dry?). Most people can use drops, but if your eye isn't closing, I suggest lubricant - things will look blurry, but you will adjust, & it will probably be a temporary thing.
I also use a moisture bubble when I sleep to protect my cornea. The one I use is called NITEYE Bubble Bandage, nonsterile. I buy them by the case, but you can by them by the box - 14 to a box. A box may cost around $25.00.(A case of 24 boxes costs me $459.62 incl tax, S&H). The tel.# is: 1-866-906-8080. The product # is 90305. Sold by Beaver Visitec. They are pricey, but worth it for me. I got tired of taping saran wrap around my eye - which is also an option for you. You're trying to make a moisture chamber for your eye.
So my friend, keep a peaceful heart through this most difficult time (boy, does it bring back memories...). Always good thoughts, Nancy