Author Topic: AN side mouth pulling more when relaxed will it change?  (Read 6083 times)


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AN side mouth pulling more when relaxed will it change?
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:39:54 am »
When I totally relax my face the AN side of my mouth is pulled back slightly more than the other side.  I have very slight synchanesis (sp?) in the corner of my mouth when I wink my AN eye or close it without closing the other side - so slight it's not a worry.  (but who isn't smiling anyway when they wink???!!!) But it's also where my relaxed expression is a little "tighter" for use of better word...will this go away do you think?  I'm still not "home" yet with the corner of my mouth or the nerve sensation on the AN lower eyelid is still more slack and that side still feels a bit "stiff" like I've been to the dentist.  I'm not complaining - just curious.  So many of you out there have it so much worse than me!!!!

Pam in South Dakota

MRI & DX on 10/17/11, 2.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 cm cystic & solid mass
Left suboccipital Surgery with Dr. Tew at Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati on 1/10/12
SSD but no nerves cut in surgery. BAHA implant 8/2012
Facial weakness almost gone!
Acupuncture helping face
Tear duct plug on 4/4/12


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Re: AN side mouth pulling more when relaxed will it change?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 09:30:15 pm »
Hi, Pam!

Might I ask--did you receive any responses through PM or find any other posts on the forum particularly helpful to answer your question?  If any info is 'shareable', I'd love to have the input! 

I've read through many of the facial tightness and massage posts in this section, which is how I found your post, of course ; ) and am wondering about the long-term help that stretching and massage provide.  I have referenced, and found it helpful, but I wonder if it only makes me feel better or if it is truly doing anything to help my face recover.?..

I am 9.5 months post Translab.  My face aches from time to time, but, thankfully, I don't have headaches.  The right side of my face no longer droops, but it doesn't move as much as the left and the muscles are tight (hypertonic muscles, I think they'd be called; I've noticed no major effects of synkinesis to this point). 

The tight muscles are especially noticeable from the middle of the right side of my upper lip up to the right of my nostril.  From that side, it looks like I'm sneering, which is not the look I'm trying to portray.  But, like you, I'm trying to keep it in perspective.  I mean, really, what 40+ year-old woman actually complains that some of her facial muscles are too tight (as long as it doesn't hurt or create any other complications)?!

Any thoughts?  Any changes that you've seen in your own progress over the past 2 months?

4.1 cm  AN diagnosed 8.29.2011
Translab surgery at House - October 26, 2011
Drs. Fayad and Schwartz
central Colorado


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Re: AN side mouth pulling more when relaxed will it change?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2012, 10:40:31 pm »
Hi Victoria!  I've definitely had changes....mostly they're very slight but good ones.  I haven't been faithful with the electric massage, but one thing that I've been doing has been oddly helping, and that's chewing bubble gum.  I was complaining to a 9+ year post AN survivor about how I don't chew on the left side and that it's still quite numb and stiff feeling.  Other than acupuncture (which I really think helps immensely.....) I haven't done anything else.  I also began trying to stretch the muscles in the opposite direction with my face - like blowing kisses or making my lips come to a complete pucker - after a bit of time doing that gently I seem to see some progress.

One thing you may not know - Jackie Diels can do "skype" calls if you're interested.  PM me and I can give you more information.  I haven't gotten around to it yet because my computer was horribly slow, but we just updated and I'm giving it some serious thought.

I know what you mean about the sneer expression - my face "pulls" in that direction as well - not to the point of an expression change but definitely to the point where the symmetry is gone overall.

I'm afraid we've had much excitement lately here - a first grandbaby has arrived and I just got my abutment implanted for my BAHA.......I think it's a healing process though personally.  My eye also seems to need fewer drops during the day which is a WONDERFUL thing!!!

Pam in South Dakota

MRI & DX on 10/17/11, 2.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 cm cystic & solid mass
Left suboccipital Surgery with Dr. Tew at Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati on 1/10/12
SSD but no nerves cut in surgery. BAHA implant 8/2012
Facial weakness almost gone!
Acupuncture helping face
Tear duct plug on 4/4/12


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Re: AN side mouth pulling more when relaxed will it change?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 06:30:04 am »
Just this morning a thought that I forgot to mention hit me - since I am a portrait artist I know that the face is comprised of many (many!) muscles.....muscles can be weak too - and for a specific muscle to pull in one direction more than it should can also mean that the opposing muscle is weak.  This morning I tried to make the "fish face" where you pucker your mouth and cheeks in such a way to look like a fish....immediately afterward my face was less "pulled" to the wrong direction.  I think I'm going to try to gently with humor work on exercising those specific muscles!  Not force but there's even a way to bite the cheeks to hold them in the position - which seemed to help.  We'll see.  Maybe Jackie will chime in on if this is wise to do or not.....or someone that Jackie has worked with.  Will watch for comments!

Pam in South Dakota

MRI & DX on 10/17/11, 2.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 cm cystic & solid mass
Left suboccipital Surgery with Dr. Tew at Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati on 1/10/12
SSD but no nerves cut in surgery. BAHA implant 8/2012
Facial weakness almost gone!
Acupuncture helping face
Tear duct plug on 4/4/12