You must be speaking with a surgeon..(sorry surgery patients). I had GK when I was 42...I don't know where he's getting this "your too old" business... Radiation avoidance is based on tumor size and tumor location...not on age.
I would HIGHLY suggest that you do some research before making any decision (radiation, surgery, or watch and wait), this is a condition that you'll have to be "smart on" because docs are subjective. Surgeons will advise against radiation, radiologists will advise against surgery...and they both will advise against watch & wait.
Unless you are suffering and cannot function with the side issues of the AN...I wouldn’t jump into Translab. I still have the hearing in my left AN ear...
I would recommend that you see an ENT doc...again feel free to email me directly. If you'd like to chat on the phone send me an email and I'll forward my phone number to you...