Author Topic: How many tumors swell after SRS  (Read 7588 times)


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Re: How many tumors swell after SRS
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2012, 11:28:31 am »
I feel it's a great injustice that any doctor would try to scare you into anything.  I saw surgeon and radiocogolist - surgeon said I could go with either treatment and after he described the surgery I went with the radiation and I am so happy - yes I have swelling but the tumor is getting smaller but I did NOT GET my HEAD cut and that was important to me
1.4 cm diagnosed 01/12
significant hearing loss rt side
total balance loss rt side - AN side -
left side already compensated (who knew)
Radiation completed May 2012 - all systems are GO -- so happy I chose radiation near home.