Author Topic: Migraine/Headaches.... Helpful list  (Read 6863 times)


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Migraine/Headaches.... Helpful list
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:26:44 pm »
Since my surgery in 1989 I have narrowed down what will causes/makes worse/brings on my "Killer Migraines" and maybe it will help some others....

Change in Humidity/Rain/Damp
Perfume/Strong Hand Soap
Certain leave in conditioners
Wear hair in a ponytail for long periods of time and tight (has to be real loose)
Baseball hats/tight fitting hats
Bending up and down fast
Spinning or twisting fast around
** Sleeping with Pillows (I am great with the neck contour pillows they have been wonderful)
** I change the pillowcases EVERYDAY this has almost stopped my morning migraines along with changing to contour Neck Pillow or NO pillow at all when I sleep
Sleeping on my side helps reduce migraines
Peanut Butter
Hot Dogs
Mustard/Mayo (I use Mayo with Olive Oil and it has helped)
Certain Cheeses
Red Wine (White I am OKAY!!! LOL)
Need Air Circulation (Air out your place everyday/open windows)
Certain clothes detergents and fabric softeners
Febreeze (a chemical in Febreeze is known to cause Migraines)
Strong Candles
Loud Music
Stay Away from sitting near the Wings on Airplanes(I get massive migraines from that with the noise and vibrations and all)
For me I found Baseboard Heat in homes caused me to get migraines
I found that chewing gum often caused me to get a migraine but this may be related to TMJ (I still chew gum but watch it)
Hot Tubs
Too much Sun
Not eating at least something often (Skipping meals brought on nasty migraines)
Corn Beef
Dry Cleaners (if my clothes need to be dry cleaned then I go to natural ones and so far good)
Certain Sugar Cereals
Have to stay away from Certain Thrill Rides (I am a Roller Coaster Person so those are hard for me to give up I will load up on Migraine Meds b/c will never give up my Roller Coaster Rides) but the ones that swing/shake you up and down I avoid at all costs
Bowling (If I am out I do like half and take breaks)

 :) :) :) What helps!!!!!  Some things may sound weird and bizarre but they work for me!!!  :) :) :)

* Lots of ceiling fans and on all the time (we keep on low especially when we sleep seems to have helped)
* ICE ICE ICE where the pain(migraine) is (I pack my head in ice)
* If I stand on tile/marble barefoot something very very cold the migraine is less painful
* Have my hubby massage my neck and shoulders (it does seem to help and lets him feel good that he can at least help me as well)
* Drink lots of fluid especially when out on vacation or long days that involve walking and site seeing
* Change Pillowcase covers EVERYDAY (OMG this has been a life you if you think about it all your hair products/all the stuff in the air/other peoples smells on you/if you have pets that love to sleep on your pillow when you are away..etc and then you put your face on your pillowcase....UGGGH....PLEASE change it everyday!!!)
* Coca-Cola (this helps a great deal once I feel a migraine starting) (Coca-Cola/Coke is the only one that helps)
* Switch to Foaming Soaps and they seem to be better less smell
* Perfume Free Clothes Detergents

Well just some suggestions for you....  I have plenty more....  Will wait and see if anyone is interested!!! I can go on and on but will wait and see if this is of any help for anyone.......



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Re: Migraine/Headaches.... Helpful list
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 10:03:07 pm »

Keeping the house old-fashioned "white-glove clean," helps for everyone with migraines however, there are so many parameters involved in this issue.

The barometric pressure changes still plague me with a migraine.

Age is a factor as, allergy reactions are usually worse as we age.

I use frozen gel-packs sometimes during a migraine however, most of the time I have to use a strong prescription drug to quell the pain.

Regular massage or perhaps seeing a chiropractor of your choice might help.

This topic has been racked over the "headache coals" for years on the forum.  I just got over 8 days/nights in a row with a migraine which is not called a headache anymore in the professional sense.

The scene is debilitating and usually reduces a person to no light, vomiting and completely disabling a person until it passes.

Yes, a proper diet, exercise, (if and when you really are able) healthy lifestyle of good mental health are important as the mind is strong if you treat it well.  You will find you can govern your own destiny and overcome some of the AN obstacles using common sense, reading about our problems from an extremely well-respected source along with suggestions of longtime patients.

I'm a very private person however I admit that talking with people you feel you may trust helps as well.

Even join support-groups if you feel you're in the right group and if it's an appropriate place for you.

I'm still impressed that when I went over seas for a very long duration, I had no migraines on any long distance voyages.

As mystified as I am  how I got the AN tumor in the first place is as foreign to figure out the reason as is, migraines.

True, it's better to live as healthy as possible and not have to mask most of our problems with prescription drugs.

The AN tumor is an invisible (for some of us) dilemma which is a strange way to life. 

22 mm Acoustic Neuroma (right side)
Cyberknife, Nov. & Dec. 2006
Dr. Iris Gibbs & Dr. Blevins @ Stanford
single sided deafness