My therapist recommended I try getting services from Rehab abd Vocational training. I felt very daring today so I called. Someone told me that someone else would call me back, but they were busy right then. I got a call back and basically was told to stay in therapy because everything that was wrong with me could be worked out through therapy!!!!!!!!!!!! I told her the kinds of jobs I used to do and what my background was and she asked how much $$ my husband makes and as soon as I told her, I wasn't qualified. I pressed on, I figure with all the meds, transporatation and copays I surely would qualify for something! My PT is almost $500.00 per week (my share). She basically said I could take out a loan against my home or cash in retirement funds to pay for anything I needed!! She said that just because I have no balance and loud noises bother me and I have anxiety and panic attacks and the State won't allow me to drive after dark, it is all in my head!! I very affectively told her that I wished in was in her head! I also recommended that she learn what an AN was and possibly, if she knew how to read to read this board. My head feels like it is going to explode.

I had to share.