Hello everyone! My name is Mary and I had a 1 cm rt AN removed retrosigmoid sub-occipital, Jan 2001 at U Mass Med Ctr, Worc MA. Five years later it is re-growing. Have done hrs of research and recently had my PCP Referral lady submit request for out of state for Dr Noren AT RI Hospital Gamma--Can anyone tell me if they had trouble getting out of state approved? I have BC/BS Network blue NE and Tufts in Boston has Gamma but I want Dr Noren's experience. I had U Mass Radiation professor write on my behalf that he endorsed this referral and I wrote a letter also...
Any comments greatly appreciated.. Saw a post from Ellen who lives in MA and is having GK w/Dr Noren 09/22. Tried to e-mail her but didn't hear back...
Just when you think it's al behind you it's not... Thanks to whoever can respond to me..about anything regarding GK... Regards, Mary from MA, e-mail LancasterLass@aol.com.