Author Topic: House - what to expect after surgery?  (Read 3390 times)


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House - what to expect after surgery?
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:34:11 am »
Yesterday i scheduled to have retrosigmoid surgery for a 2cm an on may 29 th at house. They said I stay at st Vincent for 4 days and then seton house for a total of 12 days overall. What appointments do I have to go back for between day 4 and day 12 after surgery?  I ask because I am trying to figure out if I need to stay at seton house or can I stay with friends in San Diego?  I live in Houston currently. If it is only a day 12 appointment that I need have any of you flown home after day 4 then went back at day 12. Or do I have to be seen every day from day 4 to day 12?  What state will My body be in? Will I be walking at day 4?  If I decide to stay at seton hall, can I manage it without anyone staying with me? My husband has to stay home to take care of our triplets?  Will I be able to go on day trips if I stay at seton hall or am I just going to be a mess? I would love to hear what my capabilities will be over the first two weeks post surgery, assuming a good recovery?

I didn't want to bug house with all these questions as they were great to fit me in at such short notice. I was originally scheduled for the surgery on may 16 th at a very famous cancer hospital In Houston but after your replies on this forum and one very kind man that emailed me and talked with me outside of the forum, I decided to cancel that surgery and go to house instead. I only have one brain and I won't get a second chance to get this right. So thank you all so much for your help from this forum.

james e

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Re: House - what to expect after surgery?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 09:33:40 am »
The surgeons that are qualified to do this surgery are rare birds. One of the doctors I interviewed said it took 14 years, including medical school and all of the following requirements to be qualified to do this surgery. The doctors at House do AN and other ear surgeries every day. The Houston AN doctors you interviewed do AN and other ear surgeries every day. Dr Vrabec in Houston does ear surgeries every day. I am not trying to tell you what to do, but I am saying that you live next door to several qualified surgeons right in Houston.

You made the decision to travel halfway across the country for surgery...great doctors there...but the surgery is only part of the equation. Your recover is just as important as the surgery. Now you want to travel around California while you recover. Most recoveries are pretty straight forward, but some of them are difficult, some require followup surgeries, infections, etc.

No one, not even your doctor, can tell you what your recovery will be like. You cannot preplan your recovery. You have no idea if you will be able to travel alone.

Here is my suggestion. Unless you have been told otherwise by a physician, I would postpone the surgery, and give yourself some more time to consider your options. Lots of people are wait and watch patients, and unless your doctors say you need the surgery right away, it might be better for you to wait and get yourself a better plan. You can still go to House or you can stay in Houston...there is no rush to get this surgery done. You just have to a better plan than trying to guess if you can travel alone, or can I stay with relatives several hours away from LA, etc. Get another appointment with the MD Anderson surgeon and interview him again. Search this site for a list of questions to take with you. YOU NEED A BETTER PLAN.

This surgery is not at all like having triplets...congratulations by the way! I had my surgery 3 years ago, and I  am still wonky 24/7. I cannot go up and down stairs without some help sometimes, even after therapy and 3 years of practice. Most people have better recoveries than I did, and I consider that I had a pretty  darn good recovery, but it took a looooong time. Traveling around by yourself right after surgery is out of the question. Call House and see what they say. Call MD Anderson and see what they say. Neither one will turn you loose by yourself.

Some of my grandkids came to visit us over mothers day. I love them with all my heart. I love you in a different way, but you are one of us, and my concern for you and your family is important. I am willing to bet most posters here will give you advice similar to mine. YOU NEED A BETTER PLAN. 



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Re: House - what to expect after surgery?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 07:55:59 am »
Hello there. Your going to House Dr. Friedman/Schwartz? Great doctors. Seton is a good place for you go recoop after surgery. In the kitchen/computer area you will find a book where others have written about their stay. I remember sitting there reading the entries. I was amazed. People from all around the world. About 1 week post op you will go have your post op appointment and get your stitches out. That is when they release you to go home if your doing well. Remember it is a slow recovery. Your balance will not be good, but keep walking.

Keep us posted.
14mm dx 9/07. CK done Seattle  1 year MRI showed some shrinkage. 4 year MRI 2mm growth nothing conclusive. Trigminal nerve involvment Retrosigmoid Friedmand/Schwartz HEI March 7,2012


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Re: House - what to expect after surgery?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 09:02:18 pm »
Sorry I am seeing this late--you will have to go back to have stitches removed and to be cleared for travel. More importantly, you don't want to be too far away in case a CSF leak.  It will take you some time to recover. Also, you are required to bring someone with you.
They do not bring food to you at Seton Hall.  You have to have someone get it or make it for you.  I was there in March and was in St Vincents for 5 days then it took me a few days to do more than a short walk down the hall out outside to the garden.
Everyone is different.  Good luck!
South Jersey
Translab 3/20/13 at HEI for 3.5 centimeter
Dr. Luxford, Dr. Lekovic, Dr. Stefan