Author Topic: anyone know of a correlation between head injury and increased symptoms of an  (Read 3531 times)


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I lost my hearing appx 7 yrs ago.  I did not know it was due to AN.  I didn't have balance problems or any other symtoms it is 2.5 cm.  2 yrs ago I received a severe concussion at work and my symtoms went off the charts the head injury affected my eye sight and balance. I have severe nausea from any type of movement.  since I have no insurance and am using the VA( I am a veteran) I am still on the wait and see even though I only get around with a cane when I can get out, and now I am having facial twitches and numbness in the jaw area.  the sharp pain in the ear is unreal.  second opinions aren't allowed in va and the doctor said my outlook is poor so he wants to wait until it grows and becomes too close to the brain stem.  has anyone else had a head injury that made the symptoms worse?
thank you for your time and responses
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   No, not personally, but have read of 2 or 3 who had auto accidents accompanying their ANs. The accidents likely traumatized the temporalmandibuler joint further.
   I think the VA is bordering on the edge of non ethical conduct here by making you wait!
   This could get serious and if my situation, I'd want a civilian Dr. to look at the MRI and take your history. Worry about costs later!
   IMO; VA care has never been the greatest and many, 'flunky' Drs. end up there who otherwise couldn't/didn't make it in the civilian world.

james e

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  • 72 years, 1.7cm, trans lab Mar 2010, BAHA 5
Let me tell you how to handle the VA. I  had problems with the IRS when they cleaned out my business bank account for not paying withholding taxes for my employes...I paid the taxes ahead of time and had  the receipt from the bank. I had problems with Social Security when they had my birthdate wrong. I had problems with the IRS again over a form they said they throw away...but they really don't throw them away.

All three times, I walked into my congressman's office and filed a written complaint regarding the IRS...twice, and Social Security. All three times I got positive results. The IRS refunded my money including interest, they magically found the form, and Social Security changed my birthdate.

Here is my advice, take it or leave it. Notify the VA that you are going to contact your congressman's office. That alone might get things going. Next, walk into your congressman's office and file a complaint. Don't call, don't email...go in there in person. Have all of your facts documented as best as you can including names, dates, places, etc.

The employees there are non political. They will help you...not saying it will work out for you, but the people I have worked with really got my issues solved. They will go out of their way for former members of the military. I am assuming that you are eligible for VA treatment. The first step in climbing a mountain is taking the first step. Get moving.



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thank you I will try this. my regular va doctor said I should try another va hospital but that is 2 1/2 hrs away so this option you gave me seems so much simpler
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Perhaps the connection is that when you have a head injury you get an MRI and then they find the AN that was already there.  That's what happened to a friend of mine.
1.2 x .6 cm rt side AN diagnosed July 2005
Watching and waiting - not growing for now...Patient of Dr. Backous @ Virginia Mason
2012 8 x 5 mm @ Group Health - still WW


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Hi Debra,

First let me thank you for serving.  I had a cerebral concussion at 18 years old, and a AN at 54.  I did tell my Neurosurgeon about the concussion and he wanted to know all about it, but I don't think it was related for me.

You received some good advice, I just wanted to add a few more words.  Go to the media about your situation.  There are plenty of shows willing to expose the deficiencies in the way we treat our veterans.  I had to deal with the government a few times, you have to be like a pit bull, and continue to be persistent. 

God Bless you.


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curious - what VA and where?  My friends in FL get great care - I am in TX and I get no service - leave it at that . . .  I at one time worked for the VA and we are trying to get my Mom some services since Dec 2011 she is in PA - so it does matter where you leave
1.4 cm diagnosed 01/12
significant hearing loss rt side
total balance loss rt side - AN side -
left side already compensated (who knew)
Radiation completed May 2012 - all systems are GO -- so happy I chose radiation near home.


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I did have the AN prior to the head injury, they just found it during an mri.  i had lost my hearing many years ago.  I read a paper by a doctor and he was saying our sight is our brains back up plan and that is why most symptoms are slow to notice.  as our tumors grow and balance is affected our sight takes over for the weakness.  when i was hit in the head it altered my sight and thats why my symptoms of balance  and nausea felt like all of a sudden coming on, i  lost my brains back up plan.  the va hospital i go to is hines in maywood il, i was just told the surgeon who was there will no longer be there as of july 1, good news as i didnt like his bedside manner, bad news his replacement has no experience with AN surgery.  i have been advised to go to the indianapolis va center that the doctors/hospital are much better.  will be tough my daughter cannot pack up two young ones to go 2 1/2 hours to visit, and her husband is on rotating shifts so it would be a burden to them that i wont ask them to do
Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.