Hi Izzy123
We are asked to muster up courage during our lives. Look at our service men and women, who are asked to turn towards harms way, not run from it. Or the firefighter who is asked to run into a burning building. We humans can be pretty brave when we have to. Now it's your time to demonstrate your courage. You can do this !! Your tumor is at the point where it must come out, don't cancel your operation, get it done. From what I have read on this site and over the internet, the brain recovers faster with those who have larger tumors than smaller ones because the brain has been making the adjustment all these years. In reference to facial issues, eye issue, I would ask your doctors. For balance, I can speak of my own experiences, and balance can be recovered. I had my vestibular nerve severed, it took time, but I have recovered. I hope this helps, if you're a person of faith, than let's pray for courage, and a speedy recovery.
God Bless.