So, I had the mask made on the 10 and it was a little more stressful than I had hoped, but thankfully that was the worst of it--and it wasn't really that bad.
I've never really been claustrophobic, but the mask, though not at all painful, was so close on my face that I got a little antsy.
I did see my hematologist on Monday, and my numbers weren't all that bad--I'm usually just right under the bottom end of "normal", but this time I was right at the bottom end of the normal range. I won't hear about my hematocrit levels until the end of the week, to see if I might need an iron IV, but if my numbers weren't too bad, I might be okay for a while longer.
And now I've started my treatments--I started on the 22nd--and I will go each week day through the end of August. The treatments themselves are very easy.
I lie down on the table and get positioned, they do an x-ray or two to make sure I'm properly aligned and then it starts. It takes almost exactly 30 minutes from the time I walk into the clinic to the time I walk out, so my time in treatment is very short.
For me the hardest part is lying on my back. My lower back doesn't like that!
The only incident I had was on Monday when they were snapping the mask into place. The technician accidentally caught my skin on the front of my shoulder, so now I have a little "love bite" from the mask...
At any rate, things are going well so far, though it's only been 3 days.
I'm looking forward to the day when it's all done. Since I get to keep my mask, I think it's going to go up on the wall...