Well I saw the neuro-opthalmologist a week ago and they recommended that I continue with the exercises. Unfortunately, my progress has been mixed. I've noticed lots of improvement with the exercise that requires you to move your head 45' to the left and right and so forth, while focusing on an object. I can do this at about 64 beats per minute now, and 120 bpm is the goal.
However, I've noticed only a very small improvement in the exercise that requires me to track a moving object. The object has to move at a snails pace for me to see it clearly.
Unfortunately, this condition makes reading extremely difficult. In fact I could barely garner the strength to write this entry!
Lucky for me audiobooks and good podcasts like Planet Money exist. Although sometimes it's hard to keep up as I have an attention issue too!
It is the neuro-opthalmologist's opinion that my vision can improve over time. However, it could take as many as two years.
Has anyone else experienced similar visual issues?
(I should note that I didn't have an acoustic neuroma, but rather had a cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma. However, I think this forum has greatly benefited me, as I share similar vestibular issues with many of you.)