Dear Alan,
I know you are probably not reading this.
I just wanted to reaffirm our support for the people taking care of the AN patients you are the unsung heroes of our lives you are the caregivers, the signifigant others, the husbands, wives' children and most of all good friends to us as we go through this AN nightmare. You are the most important part of our care team you are in charge in most instances with taking us home from the hospital and caring for us as we recover. This will be a long hard road, we are grateful that you can share the load. Although it maybe very stressful at first, stick with us, we need you, we love you.
After the doctors have done their work and the nurses have ministered to us , it is you who are in charge until we get our balance back and can get our sense of selves back. I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you, before you are forgotten and before your patient gets to thank you.
You are the very glue that holds us AN patients together. Remember to get rest when you can and take some quiet time for yourselves.
Once again thank you from all of us.
I continue to pray for you.