Author Topic: Dr. Allen Efron, Kaiser Permanente  (Read 3237 times)


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Dr. Allen Efron, Kaiser Permanente
« on: March 21, 2017, 05:50:59 pm »
My wife was diagnosed with a 2.7 cm left cerebellopontine angle mass extending to the left internal auditory canal in December, and with no other viable option, we scheduled a surgery at Kaiser Neurosurgery Clinic in Redwood City, CA, in February.  We were first told she could lose her hearing in her left ear and possibly have some facial palsy, due to the size and location of her tumor which was pressing against her brainstem.
However, we were lucky to get perhaps the best neurosurgeon in this part of the world to perform the surgery:  Dr. Allen Efron was very upbeat, optimistic, and explained everything to us clearly.  Dr. Efron is an expert in performing the suboccipital craniotomy procedure and we understand that he has done hundreds of such surgeries – more than any other surgeon in UCSF and Stanford.  He assured us that he would do his best and said, “…the best way to get a positive outcome is to have a positive attitude…”. 

Result: He removed nearly 90% of the tumor, yet preserved my wife’s hearing (normal) and facial nerves in tact! My wife is now recovering from her surgery and we are very thankful to have had Dr. Efron as her neurosurgeon. 

- Ram