marjory, oh, hun... you are doing great and right on target as a "postie" (post-treatment). That is what I love about this forum. Those that share the "after affects" of all forms of treatment is so imperative for "newbies" to hear and learn about. We all know that "individual results may vary" as many here that have had treatments (ie: myself and radio as well as Sue, shoegirls, etc... and gennysmoms, taylor, chris, katie, and their surgical outcomes) can share so much about immediate and long term (ie: our fearless Cap'tn, matti, battywench, crazykat, etc) share with us.
I have a brochure I picked up from Brigham/Women's about "Brain Tumors and Fatique" that I shared with Capt'n Deb (I think she did a post here in "Post Treatment" about the brochure I shared with her). It goes into great depth about fatique in those that are pre AND post treatment. I've scanned it into a .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat/reader required to open it, which can be downloaded for free from I'm more than happy to email it to anyone that is running into it. I found it exceptionally informative and even provide remedies on how we can counteract. It's a great tool, as welll, for the 'caregivers' that are in our lives as we go through this journey.
Hang in there hun... you are doing fabulous and continued recovery and wellness to you!