Author Topic: The New You - Post Op  (Read 8174 times)


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2006, 10:03:58 am »
no prob, thats what were here for !!!! you would do the same for us.  ;)
Waith and Watcher
July 2006 8mm
Jan 2007 9.5 mm
Jan 2009 1.4 cmm x 5mm
GK surgery completed on May 4, 2009 in Sherbrook Quebec, hoping and praying this will be the beginning of the end of my AN......


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2006, 10:19:29 am »
A couple of thoughts for scott
1) check out any info on Post-Op depression - there are threads on the list
to follow.- suggest you talk it through with your doc
2) It really is early days yet - about the same as being in the front of 52 car pile-up
and expecting to dance away from the scene..
It happens in the movies yes - but in real life......? not so.
It may not be possible to be 100% as before
but 99.9% is possible - and something to try for
Its a long road back for sure - but it is worth it !
Best regards


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2006, 11:03:54 am »
Look up, outward, and believe that you are a a hero to all of us. 

I hope this helps someone.  At 9 months post op..............coming out of depression and getting back into a new me means taking action and making new plans.  That is, I have taken action to get busy helping others.  I've learned that people need me more than ever and that I have far greater strength than I ever thought I'd have.  So, the new me has one hearing ear, goofy balance skills, terrific empathy, and powerful courage to move on.  Next week I will visit the ENT and get on with a hearing aid that will make me more socially normal.  I know that depression can be overcome in time if I take action.  This is what my mother, grandmother, and mother before her taught me.

My advice to anyone struggling with recovery is to validate your present feelings either by talking, forum posting, or journal writing.

Patti UT

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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2006, 11:30:10 am »

 Sent you a personal, hang in there, I think we all go through bouts of depression over this subject. Just keep remembering all we have to be thankful for. We are here and alive.

Hugs and prayers.
Patti UT
2cm Rt side  middle fossa  at University of Utah 9/29/04.
rt side deafness, dry eye, no taste, balance & congintive issues, headaches galore
7/9/09 diganosed with recurrent AN. Translab Jan 13 2010  Happy New Year


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2006, 03:37:46 pm »
I call it "the new normal". I'm definitely a different person now. Someone mentioned being more high maintenance, I agree with that. I can't leave the house without my glasses, drops, lacrilube, sunglasses, hat if I'm going to be outside, Baha, and most importantly my chapstick. I totally freak if I forget that.

I have good days and bad days. Up until about 18 mo post op the bad ones outweighed the good ones but that has changed now. (I'm 27 mo now).

We're all here together. It isn't easy but it does get easier to deal with.....Stay strong.
Surgery June 3, 2004, University Hospitals Cleveland, BAHA received in 2005, Facial Therapy at UPMC 2006


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2006, 05:53:02 pm »
weeeeell it is exactly 1 month for me today...that is good i guess. i had a pretty large an removed. i just don't feel myself either...the paralysis, etc. i hear ya. but the only pearl of wisdom i have -- it's getting me by better than "day by day" or any of that crap -- remember: "it could always be worse." !!!
"the good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems"

4.5cm tumor resected at Johns Hopkins in 2006.  Drs. Tamargo and Minor
numerous facial plastic surgeries
12-7 nerve graft 2008
platinum eye weight removed 2009
deaf right - BAHA
residual balance issues
severe dry


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Re: The New You - Post Op
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2006, 11:29:30 pm »
Hi Scott....just want to say I do understand and am here to really "HEAR" your words and emotions...or maybe I should say I feel them. This is true because the same is true for me. I personally believe we have to hold ourselves in comfort and hopefully we we hold each other the same when we really need. So many times this road is scary and hard. I run so hard from grieving the lose of the old me that I wear myself completely out. I fear lookink weak to you all. I want you to see me as this dynamic incredible woman that can do absolutely anything........but the real truth is......I am scared......I have days that I can not produce a single clear coherent thought...I have times when I have no energy to cook or clean or socialize. As many of you know, I am in the middle of a re-growth that seems to be kicking my lil booty pretty good this time. I now walk like a drunken sailor, my face has gone numb again, I am back to slurring words and constant inability to concentrate. Not pretty when I am trying to succeed as a full-time student. I had a CT scan last Friday night, am on Decadron this week, on a new med for migraines, and had another MRI yesterday. I will know more next week. Right now I am just hoping against hope that I can finish this semester.
Sorry Scott......didnt mean to high-jack your thread but at the same time thank you so much for opening the door and letting me talk about the terror I have been trying so hard to hide. Love you Scottie and all.
2.5cm x 3.1cm facial nerve neuroma
removed 8-2-2005(retrosigmoid)
St.Johns Hospital-Springfield,Illinois
Dr.Michael McIlhany and Dr.Carol Bauer
Wait n' watch mode for 8 years.
Gamma Knife at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Chicago,IL. Dr. James P. Chandler. July 10, 2013.