Author Topic: Hearing issue!  (Read 2553 times)


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Hearing issue!
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:41:11 pm »
Hey guys first off I dont have an acoustic neuroma but i have had sudden hearing loss in my left ear and I am reaching out where ever i can for advice from others who might have had similar situations!

Its a long post that i wrote earlier for a labrynthitis group.

Hey guys! first off i wanna say I really appreciate there being a resource and a group like this and that I have been experiencing this only for a week now and understand how it is a living hell and my deepest sympathies and regards to anyone that has it. I also admire how strong you guys are. I just want to tell my story and maybe get some advice on my situation and see if anyone else had a similar experience. it started for my earlier on in the day on friday I heard a whislting sound and over a couple hours it got much worse to a point where i could not hear out of my left ear at all. I have been perfectly healthy up until this point with no cold or flu or anything ( although i was staying in a studio with my brother sister and mother who have all got a very serious flu but i have managed to stay clean of it. After a couple more hours of me trying to flush ear wax out I started to get extremely dizzy and nauseated so we went to the ER where the flushed my ears slapped me with some anti nausea and vertigo pills and told me i would feel better in 24 hours. I on day 7 now and I can barely lift my head off the pillow without vommiting and my hearing in my left ear is completely gone still and there have been no signs of getting better. We then went to urgent care where they slapped me with some Valium and antibiotics and said it could be labrynthitis but that i should wake up the next morning feeling like a new man. just yesterday I went back to the hospital and was lucky enough to get a MRI which came back clean and they said there is no sign of infection. I am now extremely scared and crying because of what I have read on wikipedia and all thoses other sites as it all sees so hopeless. I am a singer and am going to university. Im stuck over seas not being able to fly home till this clears up.

I am extremely worried that I will not regain any hearing in my left ear which is tearing me apart. My hearing is the most important thing to me. I and going to see an ENT doctor tomorrow but im scared hell just say the same thing " oh take these pills and you'll feel better tomorrow".

Im wondering if anyone else had complete hearing loss for a period of time during the initial illness and was able to recover from it? And if there are certain measures I should try and take early on so that I can prevent losing my hearing? Also I see that it seems to reacure a lot and does it normally only happen in the same ear or is there risk of it jump ears and my loosing hearing in both? When I asked the doctors these questions they just gave very vague answers and tried to rush away. Also do most people get over it quickly and not have to deal with it again or is this something that I am in the long haul for?

Thanks to anyone who made it through the long read and I really appreciate and response. Thanks for your time

update ** i went to see an ENT and he says that i have SSNHL due to the viral infection and I have been put on a heavy does of steroids (prednisone). I have also learned that Vitamin B12 and NAC supplements are things i can do to try and reduce the amount of damage that occurs.

Its been 9 days now and i still have no increase in hearing. Has anyone else gone through hearing loss form something like this and if you did notice it come back was it all of a sudden or did it take weeks? Ive heard from docters that it comes back suddenly and im still waiting but others have told me it comes back over a period of months. Im just looking for what to expect. Thanks again for the time

james e

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Re: Hearing issue!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 10:45:58 am »
My wife went through this last year. Her hearing has come back but she has tinnitus now.