Hi,, sorry you are dealing with these issues.. I don't know how long ago you had surgery but some improvements will take time.. 12-18 months,,, I'm not a doctor but did have facial nerve severed during surgery 27 months ago so have been dealing with many of the same issues. I had the 12/7 nerve graft surgery 4 days after AN surgery. I had a gold eye weight implanted 4 days after surgery to enable eyelid to close. I was able to have it removed this past Oct. ,, after 2 yrs. I spoke with Dr about a brow lift at that time;however, have decided I don't need that as much as just upper eyelid lift just below brow. My face is pretty symmetric so never considered lift there. I also never considered facial sling. If you are not far from surgery, I personally would suggest the eyelid weight, either gold or platinum to protect your eye, and time, time, time for healing.. Best of luck to you in these decisions ,, if I can answer any other questions, you can PM me.. Jane