As you may have seen if you read my 'hi I'm here' post, my mother also had an AN, treated with GK in 2007. She did swell for quite some years, but now, most days are lost to what she described in an email to me this way: "If it were only my mind that makes me feel poorly. This is the usual eye-stomach-whirly thing that I have no answers for. I do manage the morning stuff but sometimes with a struggle. But I can't say that I'm maintaining any sort of balance or whatever."
We've tried Meclizine, without a lot of success. She did do some balance therapy a year ago, to be ready for a friend's wedding in May 2013, but now says she just feels too awful to try again. Many days, she says all she can swallow is some boullion and toast -- not enough protein and too much salt, IMHO. She often describes the sensation as "a knot in my stomach, I can't try to eat anything."
Any ideas for a medication or dietary alternative? We've asked her GP, but without a lot of success. Dad has pretty serious memory issues going on, so Mom's GP chalks it up to stress... but hasn't produced any resolution.
Many thanks for any suggestions,