I have a small one too 2.5mm x 4.5mm, but I have total hearing loss in my right ear that happened overnight about 2.5 weeks ago. I just went to Vanderbilt on Wednesday and my doctor was very glad to hear that I wasn't anxious to get it out, so he ordered another MRI in six months to assess any growth but in the meanwhile wants to work on restoring my hearing if possible. There was some slight improvement from the first audiogram I had right after my hearing loss, albeit no useful hearing. But, this doctor is the first person who has given me any hope of hearing again. He did a steroid injection into my middle ear through the eardrum (ouch!!) and prescribed a high oral dose. I go back in a month for a hearing test and if there is improvement he will treat it again. He described the AN (or VS) not as slow-growing, but rather as unpredictable. I am not going to be disappointed if my hearing doesn't come back, because I had already accepted the loss. I'm happy to W & W!