I am guessing that my mother was NF2 - she had vestibular or acoustic shwanomas and also a meningioma at the brain stem. Her last 15 years of life were dramatically different than all those preceding, based largely on the fact that she had these transient attacks with facial paralysis and drooping on one side, poor comprehension and difficulty in speaking and comprehension. MRI's during these showed no incidence of TIA and she went on largely regarded as having psychological problems. This was odd for a very high functioning and social person with no history of psychological disfunction.
Nothing was done to intervene with the shwanomas or meningioma...they were observed and growing but as is typical, slowly.
This past week I had a very sudden vestibular attack with extreme vertigo and unrelenting vomiting. I was treated with meclazine to relieve the symptoms, and feel better, but not good. I am wondering if, in light of this and my mother's history, there would be a benefit in gene testing?