Author Topic: Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)  (Read 4080 times)


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Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:01:47 am »

I have had 3 MRIs in the last 3 months. I have also had blood taken. So in total I have had 3 needles in my arm in the same vein. Since the first contrast injection I have noticed my right arm shaking when I bend it to drink or type on my tablet. It's like when you lean on a nerve in your arm at a desk and it tremors. My right biceps are tender too. I'm 27 with no history of Parkinson's in family. So really not sure what it could be apart from being related to the contrast dye as it only occurred after these injections.

Does anyone else have something similar from injections?



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Re: Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 03:49:15 am »
Hi iz2014 just seen your post. I posted a similar query on here a while ago and got no response. But some of the members on the UK AN site I'm on have also had arm problems. I've had loads of arm injections taking blood etc before and after diagnosis but I wondered if it was the AN causing nerve damage. My neurosurgeon didn't know what was causing it, nor my GP. The physio I've seen recently thinks it could be the AN as nerve pathways travel from the AN area of the brain down the arm. I have recently wondered like you, if it is needle damage though! 

My arm started off more pins and needles than numb, with muscle popping on and off. Its now more numbish like you've leaned on it, and still with the slight hand tremor, in my left, AN side where I also had all the needles inserted. Its been worse since treatment, like my other symptoms such as tinnitus and imbalance. Another lady on the UK site has also found its worse since SRS. Scared myself googling and findling parkinsons, MS and MND along with heart and stroke issues! Someone else on the UK site also thought parkinsons but her arm problem eventually went away. Lets hope!

Hope you are doing OK, how's things. Are you getting treatment at Addenbrookes? Did you ever join the UK site I mentioned?
 Alison X
CPA and IAC AN 14.5mm x 10mm x 8mm diagnosed August 2012 treatment in UK SRS Linac with headframe  Dec 2012 MRI 4 month post April 2013 was 18mm x 13 x 7.8 (this April MRI was not measured until Jan 2014) MRI January 2014 was 17mm x 11.4 x 8.3 (one year post)


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Re: Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2014, 06:06:48 am »
Hi Alison

I'm okay thanks. Just had MRI of head at Addebrookes. Guess the 3D MRI of head was in preparation for op. Had spine one to look for NF2 related tumours . Team at Addenbrooke's think its unlikely I have NF2 but as I'm 27 they are testing anyway. Very anxious about results as I have a 2year old little girl and I would hate to have passed something on. Just crossing fingers and toes that I'm okay.

Glad to see I'm not the only one with tremor. Will ask about it at my next appointment. Will post what they tell me.

Have joined a UK site. Might be coincidence, but are you Alison who posts under another name on UK site? I have just replied to a simlair topic!

All these things happening to my body now like tremors. Makes me wonder if I will be able to lift my toddler up and change her etc after op. Slightly concerned I will be a bit useless to her.

How are you? Is your tremor worse when you are tired? Mine is. x


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Re: Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 06:55:08 am »
Hi again, if you are on the uk FB site run by kevin yes its me using my son's FB as I don't have one. Lots of newbies on the UK FB site so sorry if I missed welcoming you. Was it you who replied to Bonitas post with a two part surname and an S first name? A few newbies being treated at Addenbrookes on the site recently. 

It must be a worry re the NF2 as you are young with a toddler, but hopefully it will be negative. Try not to worry too much. There are lots of young Mums on the FB site. Have you got an op date yet?  Yes my tremor is worse if I'm tired or have been exerting myself. Just hope it is the AN and nothing else. Argh! Say hello on the FB site, I check in most days.

Alison x
CPA and IAC AN 14.5mm x 10mm x 8mm diagnosed August 2012 treatment in UK SRS Linac with headframe  Dec 2012 MRI 4 month post April 2013 was 18mm x 13 x 7.8 (this April MRI was not measured until Jan 2014) MRI January 2014 was 17mm x 11.4 x 8.3 (one year post)


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Re: Shaking lower arm (result of contrast?)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 02:43:58 pm »
Yes that's me Alison  :)

No date yet. Every time the letter box flaps from the wind on my front door and my little girl shouts 'dooooor!' my hear races as I look for a letter flying onto the door mat from Addenbrookes! Any day now I expect a new appointment or maybe even an op date. Guess my scan results will be ready soon too.

I'm sure the tremor is just from the AN like you said. Seems like it's more common than we realise. My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor. She has a continuous tremor in her right arm from all the needles she has had!

Good to be in FB group too now. Feel more normal being in a group with AN in common lol!

Thanks and take care x