I have no idea what this language in the report means. But, I would not worry about it at all until your Dr tells you to worry about it. Very often these types of notations have no bearing on anything and are simply things that the radiologist made note of. There is enough worrisome stuff on our plates already that we don't need to go out of our way to find things to worry about.
On my first MRI was a notation about some type of "scattered focci T-2 something or other". I googled it and the terminology is used to describe issues involving strokes. I just about gave myself a stroke reading all of the stuff on the internet. When I got to the nuero and asked him, he told me that the "scattered" part meant that it was NOT a sign of a stroke and that in his opinion, which is more valuable than the radiologist, there was no sign of the stuff in the images anyway. Basically, he was politely saying that the radiologist was incorrect and even irresponsible for putting it in the report.
So, don't worry about it unless your Dr tells you to worry about it.