Author Topic: Can this be happening to me again?!  (Read 4078 times)


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Can this be happening to me again?!
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:09:19 am »
Hello everyone,

It has been way too long! Seems like I find myself back here when something is going wrong. Feel bad that I haven't updated on all the wonderful things that have happened.

Quick recap:
Was diagnosed in 2009 after I thought I had an ear infection but failed my hearing test miserably. Thank goodness for my wonderful primary doctor ordering the MRI. Found the 1.3cm tumor in my left auditory canal. I freaked out and didn't know what to do. Had so many consults with almost every doctor in Los Angeles and in the end decided to have the tumor removed. After hassling with my insurance to get the procedure covered with the doctors/hospital I wanted under my HMO benefit, I went in for surgery in 2/2010. Minutes before surgery, my surgery was cancelled. Turns out they run blood tests for a reason ... I was pregnant! More shocked that I wasn't having surgery, my family was more upset at the fact that I was having another baby with my husband (we were separated at the time). Leave it to me to be the 1% of people who's contraceptive fails after using the same one for years, but that is a whole other story. Gave birth to my second child and was able to be home with him for a while before deciding to reschedule my surgery. Ended up having a whirlwind romance with a former love and three weeks after reconnecting, we began our journey to happiness. Despite my love and I being in the midst of challenging divorces with heated custody issues and the shock to our family that we were moving so fast, I felt physically and mentally ready to have my surgery once and for all. Had a successful surgery on Valentine's Day 2012 at USC and recovered quickly. A few weeks of vestibular therapy helped me work out my balance issues and I returned to work 4 months after surgery. I decided to have the BAHA implant and had that done at House Ear Clinic in December 2012 but as of today, still haven't actually been able to get fitted for the actual device since I haven't been able to come up with the $500 fitting fee that isn't covered by my insurance. We've just come to love my screw as is and joke that it's my Bluetooth! One day I'm sure I will actually get the device and will be amazed at the fact that I can hear again! Had a beautiful wedding in May 2013 and while I've had a few issues (had some screws loose that were redone when the BAHA was implanted) nothing major.

Recently though I've been having a lot of headaches. Pain around my incision/plate/BAHA site. Can't seem to wear my contacts for more than 2 days at a time. Some periodic vertigo symptoms. All of which I've just been attributing to stress and anxiety. Went in to have my eyes checked last week and the doc had me do the peripheral exam 4 times because I kept failing. After talking with me about how it was likely a fluke since my eyes are otherwise healthy, I mentioned the AN surgery and his eyes opened wide and he began to ask me questions as if intrigued by a possible explanation for the riddle. He explains that maybe pressure is being placed on my optic nerve and suggested I see my doctor. After having excruciating headaches the last few days (migraine symptoms, ear pain, nausea, some vertigo, lots of neck pain) and knowing that my eyes are wigging out, I went to see my doctor today.

Just figured maybe some scar tissue, the titanium plate, or another loose screw would likely be the source. Haven't had a post MRI done ever but he ordered one today. When he suggested that it sounded like the tumor may in fact grown again, I was blindsided. It never occurred to me that it may actually be back. Now I find myself back at square one. Scared out of my mind at the idea that my brain tumor may be back. So many unanswered questions. More waiting for authorization for the MRI then waiting for the results. Seems all too familiar and I don't want to be here again. I want to be a happy post op patient with no complications. Instead I find myself back on this blog asking myself, "Can this be happening to me again?!"
Sophia (mssophy) age 36
1.3 cm AN left side diagnosed 10/20/09. Was undecided then surgery was postponed due to pregnancy. Tumor removed 02/14/12 at USC. Deaf in AN ear. Baha implant but no device yet. New symptoms in 2014; possible regrowth; pending MRI


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Re: Can this be happening to me again?!
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2014, 09:01:13 am »
Hi Sophia and welcome back!

So sorry you have been on such an unusual AN journey, plus all of the family/social/insurance issues you have faced!  Sometimes life is just not fair.

As scary as the thought of regrowth is, try as hard as you can to relax your body until you have the MRI and get the results.  Statistically there is only a 4 to 9% chance of regrowth, with the higher percentage being found following a retrosigmoid approach.  As I know you well know, stress can make all symptoms worse so do your yoga, meditation, praying, whatever it takes to reduce your stress level right now.

I experienced regrowth three years after my initial surgery so I can identify with your anxiety.  In my case, I had no additional symptoms ..... it was discovered on my annual MRI.

I am a bit surprised that you have never had a post-op MRI.  That is fairly routine following surgery, although the timeframes for having them vary a great deal with different doctors.  It may be because of your insurance issues.  If so, that is most unfortunate.  I pray your insurance coverage is better now.

Many thoughts and prayers for calming during these next few days/weeks.  Let us know how it goes.

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: Can this be happening to me again?!
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 11:32:46 am »
Hello, I can relate to your post. I had surgery in 02/2007 and I have never had headaches, pain around my ear, neck an shoulder pain. Now I'm wondering the same thing "Does the tumor came back" I recently visited my ENT who told me that the headaches and neck pain was because of muscle tension. I had a CT scan (no contrast) done about a week ago because of the headaches and show nothing but the MD who recommended the CT Scan did mention to have an MRI done just to make sure. When I saw the ENT and requested an MRI he told me "your last MRI (2010) was clear, yes you did have a tumor but its over" I left his office and started crying. I guess he doesn't know! After I spoke with the ENT I though Ok muscle tension and was not ok with his diagnosis but decided to give some muscles relaxers a chance. Now I'm wondering if I should call my surgeon and ask for an MRI.
2.5cm diagnosed 11/06. Translab surgery 02/21/07 at Kaiser San Diego. SSD and very blessed.


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Re: Can this be happening to me again?!
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 03:34:30 pm »
After having some headaches, fullness in the ear, pain around the ear and neckaches, I requested an MRI with contrast from my doctor. My doctor ordered the MRI with and without contrast and I had it done last Tuesday. I'm soooo glad to report that the MRI results came back negative  "Status post resection of right acoustic neuroma and schwannoma with post operative changes without evidence to suggest local recurrence" I'm so thankful to God that the results were negative and I pray that yours is the same.
2.5cm diagnosed 11/06. Translab surgery 02/21/07 at Kaiser San Diego. SSD and very blessed.


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Re: Can this be happening to me again?!
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2014, 02:40:26 pm »
Hello everyone,
not to discourage any of you ,I will be going for my third surgery on December 22/2015.

I am finding my symptoms this time around to be harder to deal with ,physically and emotionally!

I was first diagnosed in 2009  and had the first operation in 2010,a very short recovery but the tumor was not taken all out!Having post surgery MRI's ,the findings were that the tumor was growing slowly.My second surgery was in 2012,same recovery! The second surgery the goal was to remove the core so that they could radiate the remainder of the tumor.Now it has grown again and the testing has begun.Can any of you share your experiences with me ,I live in a remote area and am finding it hard to
find someone to talk to about the situation.

                Thank you ...Michael