Author Topic: RADICAL subjects-- neuro/psych eval , brain stimulation and neuro feedback  (Read 4800 times)


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I know this is really weird, but I'm getting still seeking some answers.  Deb's posting of the paper on cognitive issues prompted me to think about a neuro-psych eval.  Have many of you had it done?  I think that I will.

Second, has anyone had any kind of brain stimulation done?  I read recently that some groundbreaking research has been done on hopeless depressives--where they stimulate certain parts of the brain and the depression goes away.  I have asked my surgeon about this for dizziness.  I now believe my problem is neuro more than vestibular.

Third, has anybody out there tried neuro feedback?  It supposedly is used for patients with brain trauma/injury and helps retrain the brain, and has resulted in some remarkable recoveries for some.  I've been trying to find someone local who does it.  Mostly used by shrinks.

Any thoughts/experiences appreciated.
NN (wench Naughty Nan) 
1.7cm x 1.4cm x .8cm, right ear
Trans-lab approach
Dr. Jay Rubinstein, U of WA


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Hey Nan,
  I had a neuropsych eval aug 3rd.  I would highly reccomend it to anyone having issues that the surgeon or your treating doctor doesn't  seem to recognize it was very insightful, especially after I had a psych eval done for ssd eval which said there was nothing wrong with me.

They had on 60 mins tonight a new treatment for depression for those patients who have exhausted all traditional forms of threatment.  It's being done in Canada in trial and it's done on sector 25.  They actually showed them doing the surgery on a patient.  She was awake for the entire procedure, they went in through her brain, had a halo was interesting.  There is a place in denver (brain matters) that does imagining of your brain to determine if you are depressed, bipolar or if there are other things going on in your's called brain mapping.  The team in Canda did some sort of brain mapping but I don't know if it's the same type of thing or not. 

Last, my son did neurofeedback when he was younger for migraine headaches.  Yes, it did work.  From what I understood they hooked him up to electrodes which picked up wavelengths in his body and he learned how to doing breathing and relaxation techniques based on the sounds from the machine to help lower his stress and anxiety so he could control the onset of migraines he was having.  I don't remember the name of the doctor but can figure it out if need be and tell you that at first I was real skeptical but it did work and I saw a difference in the frequency of his mirgraines. 

Hope that helps!
I go back in December for my second neuropsych follow up...vr is sending me to some one local to go over the records.  I'd offer to send you my report but I can't find it right now (if you're interested in seeing what they did I'll get another copy before my appt in dec just ask)



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I had extensive neuro-psych evaluations done about 5 years ago-first because it was noticed that i had some deficits at rehab and later because the NYS teachers union wanted to test it to determine disability.  Each one was very thorough and interesting to me as a teacher.  I have a much better understanding of learning disabilities now.  They were about 9 hours each spread over several days.  The results are fascinating to read.  To summarize-I have very slow processing speed so when alot of info comes at me too fast i lose some.  i get confused and can't follow conversations and procedures.  it causes stress and i get flustered which makes it worse.  math is an issue for me (much better now) because the numbers fly around and i can't catch them (my description).  i have learned to slow down and re-check.  I still make mistakes and they always surprise me-figuring the wrong # of people for dinner, inverting #s for telephone or more important things.  I would love to go to the same doctor again and have it re-checked but noe i would have to pay for it-last time it was the union.  Patti
4 cm AN removed 12/2000
subsequent brain swelling
removal of part of cerebellum
face, scalp,tongue numbness and partial paralysis
no corneal sensation and no tears-frequent eye issues
cognitive issues
Regrowth (3.1 x ..86 cm) treated by SRS on November 6, 2015


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Thanks Batty and Patti!  Good info to have.  I really want to try the neuro feedback thing.  Have someone checking into it for me.

I don't know about the neuro-psych eval, but it might come in handy for SSDI, right Batty?  I just don't know what would be attributed to the dizziness and what would be attributed to cognitive problems since surgery.....

Any other feedback appreciated.

Thanks and hugs,
1.7cm x 1.4cm x .8cm, right ear
Trans-lab approach
Dr. Jay Rubinstein, U of WA


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To get more info online about this google   BIOFEEDBACK  I had a friend 20 years ago who went through biofeedback training to treat involuntary eyelid closure (blefarospasm).  It worked for her.